At the moment I am trying to store double values into indexes of an array. As far as I can tell I'm doing this right, but I must be wrong because for some reason when I run the program I get some pretty insane numerical values.

I could use some help figuring this out, thanks in advance.

ps: I think that the values being displayed are basically the last values stored at that specific memory location...

Code (Let me know if you need to see more):

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <new>

using namespace std;

int INDEXES = 0;

string *names_Array;
double *rates_Array;
double *hours_Array;

void subscript(ifstream&, int&, string&, double&, double&);
void arrayInput(ifstream&, string [], double [], double[],
    string&, double&, double&);

int main()
    string names;
    double rates;
    double hours;

    string filename("employee sample file.txt");
    ifstream employeeInfo(filename.c_str());

    if (employeeInfo.fail())
        cout << "Sorry, file was not successfully opened. "
             << "Please make sure your file exists and\n" 
             << "re-run the program." << endl;

    subscript(employeeInfo, INDEXES, names, rates, hours);

    names_Array = new string[INDEXES];
    rates_Array = new double[INDEXES];
    hours_Array = new double[INDEXES];

    arrayInput(employeeInfo, names_Array, rates_Array, hours_Array,
        names, rates, hours);

    cout << rates_Array[0] << endl
         << rates_Array[1] << endl
         << rates_Array[2] << endl
         << rates_Array[3] << endl
         << rates_Array[4] << endl;


    return 0;

void subscript(ifstream& employeeInfo, int& INDEXES,
string& names, double& rates, double& hours)
        employeeInfo >> names >> rates >> hours;


void arrayInput(ifstream& employeeInfo, string names_Array[], double rates_Array[], 
            double hours_Array[], string& names, double& rates, double& hours)
    int i = 0;
    string line;

    while(getline(employeeInfo, line))
        employeeInfo >> names >> rates >> hours;

        names_Array[i] = names;
        rates_Array[i] = rates;
        hours_Array[i] = hours;


INPUT FILE (please ignore double spacing):

Clinton 10.00 10

Lincoln 5.00 50

Washington 32.00 35

Kennedy 4.99 45

Nixon 10.00 25







OUTPUT should be:







2 回答 2




#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

static int subscript();
static void arrayInput(string* names_Array, double* rates_Array, double*hours_Array);

const string filename("employee sample file.txt");

int main()
    int INDEXES = subscript();
    string* names_Array = new string[INDEXES];
    double* rates_Array = new double[INDEXES];
    double* hours_Array = new double[INDEXES];
    arrayInput(names_Array, rates_Array, hours_Array);
    cout << rates_Array[0] << endl
         << rates_Array[1] << endl
         << rates_Array[2] << endl
         << rates_Array[3] << endl
         << rates_Array[4] << endl;

static int subscript()
    ifstream employeeInfo(filename.c_str());
    string name;
    double rate, hour;
    int count = 0;
    while (employeeInfo >> name >> rate >> hour)
    return count;

static void arrayInput(string* names_Array, double* rates_Array, double* hours_Array)
    ifstream employeeInfo(filename.c_str());
    string name;
    double rate, hour;
    int count = 0;
    while (employeeInfo >> name >> rate >> hour)
        names_Array[count] = name;
        rates_Array[count] = rate;
        hours_Array[count] = hour;



于 2012-11-23T22:26:03.363 回答

在您的subscript函数中,已到达文件末尾,您尝试在函数中employeeInfo再次读取文件内容。arrayInput您需要告诉employeeInfo 从头开始​​读取。

void arrayInput(ifstream& employeeInfo, string names_Array[], double rates_Array[], 
            double hours_Array[], string& names, double& rates, double& hours)
    int i = 0;
    string line;

    employeeInfo.seekg (0, ios::beg);  // <-- add this line to point to the start of the file again

    while(getline(employeeInfo, line))
        employeeInfo >> names >> rates >> hours;

        names_Array[i] = names;
        rates_Array[i] = rates;
        hours_Array[i] = hours;

于 2012-11-23T22:26:52.970 回答