I've an android app already developed.

The android app is essentially a wrapper around a HTML5 web app.

We use HTML5 offline caching to provide the ability to play when disconnected from the internet.

Chrome/Firefox on the desktop will cache the video and images however Android devices appear to selectively ignore video in the cache manifest which prevents the video from being stored locally on the device.

It's understandable that Android would ignore caching video to keep the storage use to a minimum on mobile devices but we need a way around this.


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在我偶然发现一个答案后偶然发现了这个问题 - 所以我想我会帮忙!

我正在尝试为 Android/iOS 做类似的事情,据我所知,appcache 在移动设备上非常受限制(Android 取决于可用的磁盘空间和使用的浏览器,而在 iOS 上我没有运气50mb 以上)。

我建议使用诸如PhoneGapChrome 应用程序之类的框架——它们通过与设备的本机文件 API 通信来提供其他形式的本地存储。

于 2014-02-26T16:35:47.063 回答