从下面的代码中,我想过滤并希望只获取MasterproductID = 1它及其下的子代。通过过滤MasterproductID = 2MasterproductID = 3. 我可以知道该怎么做吗?谢谢你的帮助。

class TreeNode
    public int MasterProductId;
    public int? ParentId;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var list = new List<TreeNode>{

        new TreeNode{ MasterProductId = 1 },
        new TreeNode{ MasterProductId = 4, ParentId = 1 },
        new TreeNode{ MasterProductId = 7, ParentId= 4 },
        new TreeNode{ MasterProductId = 5, ParentId = 1 },
        new TreeNode{ MasterProductId = 6, ParentId = 1 },

        new TreeNode{ MasterProductId = 2 },
        new TreeNode{ MasterProductId = 7, ParentId = 2 },
        new TreeNode{ MasterProductId = 8, ParentId= 7 },

        new TreeNode{ MasterProductId = 3 },


    foreach (var item in Level(list, null, 0))
        if (item.Value == 0)
            Response.Write(String.Format("<b>MasterProductId={0}, Level={1}", item.Key, item.Value) + "</b><br />");
            Response.Write(String.Format("MasterProductId={0}, Level={1}", item.Key, item.Value) + "<br />");

private static IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, int>> Level(List<TreeNode> list, int? parentId, int lvl)
    return list
        .Where(x => x.ParentId == parentId)
        .SelectMany(x =>
            new[] { new KeyValuePair<int, int>(x.MasterProductId, lvl) }.Concat(Level(list, x.MasterProductId, lvl + 1))

2 回答 2



foreach (var item in Level(list, 1, 0))

然后它将为节点 4、7、8、5 和 6 生成输出。也就是说,它返回一个节点的后代


private static IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, int>> LevelIncl(
                 List<TreeNode> list, int parentId)
    return new[] {new KeyValuePair<int, int>(parentId, 0)}
              .Concat(Level(list, parentId, 1));


foreach (var item in LevelIncl(list, 1))

这将为节点 1、4、7、8、5 和 6 产生输出。

于 2012-11-23T17:10:14.467 回答


.Where(x => x.MasterProductId == 1 || (x.ParentId.HasValue && x.ParentId.Value == 1))


class TreeNode
    public int MasterProductId;
    public int? ParentId;

    private TreeNode parent; 
        // How this gets set requires other data structures, and some knowledge of
        // how you are loading the data--but this should give you the outline of an idea

    public bool HasAncestor(int referenceId, int ancestor) {

        if (!parentId.HasValue) 
            return false 

        if (parentId.Value == ancestor) 
            return true;

        return parent.HasAncestor(ancestor);                


 .Where(x => x.MasterProductId == 1 || x.HasAncestor(1))

实现父级的最佳方式attribute取决于TreeNode其余的实现细节——我会将其封装在一个容器类中,该类具有Map<int, TreeNode>跟踪所有已知节点的 。该映射将用于构造 aTreeNode以设置父引用。

于 2012-11-23T16:47:17.727 回答