Hi users of stack overflow I am currently struggling with randomizing my data via as3 and xml.

I can load in the xml fine and generate a random venue however when I click on the random button I have created, the same node is shown twice! Basically I just want to randomly select data with no repeat of the previous venue if this makes sense.

My xml:




My current code:

var xml:XML = <venues>
<venue name="" description="" address="" website="" picture=""/>
<venue name="" description="" address="" website="" picture=""/> 
<venue name="" description="" address="" website="" picture=""/>
<venue name="" description="" address="" website="" picture=""/>

var Gallerylist:XMLList = new XMLList(xml.venue);

function RandomGallery(e:Event)
    var rand:int = Gallerylist.length() * Math.random();
    myTextBoxTitle.text = myXML.venue.name[rand]
    myTextBoxDes.text = myXML.venue.description[rand]
    myTextBoxAddress.text = myXML.venue.address[rand]
    myTextBoxWeb.text = myXML.venue.website[rand]
    myVenueImage.source = myXML.venue.picture[rand]
randomBTN.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, RandomGallery);

2 回答 2



于 2012-11-23T14:59:26.877 回答

如果您不介意直接打乱您的 xml 以避免制作名称的新副本,您可以使用像FicherYates这样的打乱功能来打乱您的数据。



var xml:XML = <venues>
<venue name="" description="" address="" website="" picture=""/>
<venue name="" description="" address="" website="" picture=""/> 
<venue name="" description="" address="" website="" picture=""/>
<venue name="" description="" address="" website="" picture=""/>

var fnShuffle:Function = function(xl:XMLList):Function {
 var len:int=xl.length();
 var lastUsedIndex:int;

 return function(e:MouseEvent):void{
   var i:int;

   if (len<=0) {
     // restart over since you have reached the end of the list
     len = xl.length();
     i = int(Math.random() * (len--));

     // in case of a new round you don't want to redisplay the last one again
     if (i == lastUsedIndex) i = len; 
   } else {
     i = int(Math.random() * (len--));

   var myRandomVenue:XML = xl[i];
   var tmp:XML = xl[len];
   xl[i] = tmp;
   xl[len] = myRandomVenue;
   lastUsedIndex = len;

   // here do what you want with your randow venue

this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fnShuffle(xml.venue));

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于 2012-11-23T17:11:45.983 回答