Does FubuMVC work out of the box with custom error settings in the web.config or do I need to do extra work?
It is not working at the moment, but I'm not sure if I have done something wrong.
Does FubuMVC work out of the box with custom error settings in the web.config or do I need to do extra work?
It is not working at the moment, but I'm not sure if I have done something wrong.
此行为确实会检查应用程序 IsCustomErrorsEnabled 标志以获得良好的开发行为。
注意:我不确定这在最新版本 0.99 nugets 上的表现如何。当我们将项目移动到最新位时,我会尽力更新。
另外:我认为这种技术可以受益于 0.99 nugets 中的一些新功能,您可以轻松地将行为链接在一起。Corey Kaylor 在他的帖子Creating a Diversion中谈到了这一点。