我正在尝试使用 XML::Dumper 序列化以下数据结构

'options_settings' => {
  'telnet.distinct.enable' => {
    'text' => 'Option telnet.distinct.enable needs to be set to \'on\' as of
 workaround for Bug 476803',
    'severity' => '7'
'EOS_details' => {
  '338' => bless( {
    'info' => '<a href="https://support.netapp.com/info/communications/ECMP1110462.html " target="_blank">  CPC-0705-02 </a>',
    'count' => '48',
    'ASUP_id' => 'AE20121117202086',
    'part' => 'ESH2 - X5511A-RC, X5511-RC-C',
    'category' => 'I/O Module',
    'EOS_date' => '06/02/2013',
    'severity' => '8'
   }, 'EOSObject' ),

问题是,当我使用 XML:Dumper 将其解析为 xml 时,它对 2 个单独的哈希引用使用相同的内存地址:

  <item key="338">
   <hashref blessed_package="EOSObject" memory_address="0x295b5758">
    <item key="ASUP_id">AE20121117165273</item>
    <item key="EOS_date">06/02/2013</item>
    <item key="category">I/O Module</item>
    <item key="count">48</item>
    <item key="info">&lt;a href=&quot;https://support.netapp.com/info/communications/ECMP1110462.html &quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;  CPC-0705-02 &lt;/a&gt;</item>
    <item key="part">ESH2 - X5511A-RC, X5511-RC-C</item>
    <item key="severity">8</item>
<item key="options_settings">
 <hashref memory_address="0x295b5320">
  <item key="telnet.distinct.enable">
   <hashref memory_address="0x295b5758">

注意 memory_address="0x295b5758"。

因此,当从文件中读回 option_settings 哈希引用指向 EOS 对象时:/

这是 XML::Dumper 中的错误还是我做错了什么?使用最新的 XML::Dumper 0.81

PS我试图在主脚本之外重现它并且它有效。我仍然无法理解主脚本中的数据是如何被破坏的。这是使用 XML::Dumper 的代码:

    DEBUG("Before serialization: " . Data::Dumper::Dumper($result));
    my $dump = new XML::Dumper;
    my $dump_test = new XML::Dumper;
    my $test_xml = $dump_test->pl2xml ($result);
    DEBUG("After serialization in memory: " . Data::Dumper::Dumper($test_xml));
    $dump->pl2xml( $result, $filename );

结果打印正确。“options_settings”是单独的条目。在 $test_xml 它已经和 EOS_details 混在一起了


1 回答 1



#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw

use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Dumper;

my $eos = bless {
    'info'     => '<a href="https://support.netapp.com/info/communications/ECMP1110462.html " target="_blank">  CPC-0705-02 </a>',
    'count'    => '48',
    'ASUP_id'  => 'AE20121117202086',
    'part'     => 'ESH2 - X5511A-RC, X5511-RC-C',
    'category' => 'I/O Module',
    'EOS_date' => '06/02/2013',
    'severity' => '8'
    }, 'EOSObject';

my %data = (
    'options_settings' => {
        'telnet.distinct.enable' => {
            'text'     => 'Option telnet.distinct.enable needs to be set to \'on\' as of
 workaround for Bug 476803',
            'severity' => '7'
    'EOS_details' => { 338 => $eos }

print pl2xml( \%data );


 <hashref memory_address="0x253fb18">
  <item key="EOS_details">
   <hashref memory_address="0x2517e08">
    <item key="338">
     <hashref blessed_package="EOSObject" memory_address="0x24f9998">
      <item key="ASUP_id">AE20121117202086</item>
      <item key="EOS_date">06/02/2013</item>
      <item key="category">I/O Module</item>
      <item key="count">48</item>
      <item key="info">&lt;a href=&quot;https://support.netapp.com/info/communications/ECMP1110462.html &quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;  CPC-0705-02 &lt;/a&gt;</item>
      <item key="part">ESH2 - X5511A-RC, X5511-RC-C</item>
      <item key="severity">8</item>
  <item key="options_settings">
   <hashref memory_address="0x2517688">
    <item key="telnet.distinct.enable">
     <hashref memory_address="0x2517598">
      <item key="severity">7</item>
      <item key="text">Option telnet.distinct.enable needs to be set to &apos;on&apos; as of
 workaround for Bug 476803</item>


于 2012-11-23T17:56:24.987 回答