$a = [['x'], ['y', 'z', 'w'], ['m', 'n']];
$a = [['x'], ['y', 'z', 'w'], ['m', 'n']];
$array = [['x'], ['y', 'z', 'w'], ['m', 'n']];
编辑:经过一些性能测试,我得出结论,我之前发布的解决方案比 OP 的代码慢 300%,这肯定是由于嵌套函数调用堆栈。因此,这是 OP 方法的改进版本,速度提高了 40% 左右:
$count = array_map('count', $array);
$finalSize = array_product($count);
$arraySize = count($array);
$output = array_fill(0, $finalSize, []);
$i = 0;
$c = 0;
for (; $i < $finalSize; $i++) {
for ($c = 0; $c < $arraySize; $c++) {
$output[$i][] = $array[$c][$i % $count[$c]];
“更高效的代码”是一件很主观的事情.... ;-)
class PermIterator implements Iterator {
protected $mi;
protected $finalSize, $pos;
public function __construct(array $src) {
$mi = new MultipleIterator;
$finalSize = 1;
foreach ( $src as $a ) {
$finalSize *= count($a);
$mi->attachIterator( new InfiniteIterator(new ArrayIterator($a)) );
$this->mi = $mi;
$this->finalSize = $finalSize;
$this->pos = 0;
public function current() { return $this->mi->current(); }
public function key() { return $this->mi->key(); }
public function next() { $this->pos+=1; $this->mi->next(); }
public function rewind() { $this->pos = 0; $this->mi->rewind(); }
public function valid() { return ($this->pos < $this->finalSize) && $this->mi->valid(); }
$src = $a = [['x'], ['y', 'z', 'w'], ['m', 'n']];
$pi = new PermIterator($src); // <- you can pass this one around instead of the array
foreach ( $pi as $e ) {
echo join(', ', $e), "\n";
x, y, m
x, z, n
x, w, m
x, y, n
x, z, m
x, w, n
class PermArray implements ArrayAccess {
// todo: constraints and error handling - it's just an example
protected $source;
protected $size;
public function __construct($source) {
$this->source = $source;
$this->size = 1;
foreach ( $source as $a ) {
$this->size *= count($a);
public function count() { return $this->size; }
public function offsetExists($offset) { return is_int($offset) && $offset < $this->size; }
public function offsetGet($offset) {
$rv = array();
for ($c = 0; $c < count($this->source); $c++) {
$index = ($offset + $this->size) % count($this->source[$c]);
$rv[] = $this->source[$c][$index];
return $rv;
public function offsetSet($offset, $value ){}
public function offsetUnset($offset){}
$pa = new PermArray( [['x'], ['y', 'z', 'w'], ['m', 'n']] );
$cnt = $pa->count();
for($i=0; $i<$cnt; $i++) {
echo join(', ', $pa[$i]), "\n";
function array_permutation(array $a)
$count = array_map('count', $a);
$finalSize = 1;
foreach ($count as $val) {
$finalSize *= $val;
$output = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $finalSize; $i++) {
$output[$i] = [];
for ($c = 0; $c < count($a); $c++) {
$index = ($i + $finalSize) % $count[$c];
array_push($output[$i], $a[$c][$index]);
return $output;
$a = [['x'], ['y', 'z', 'w'], ['m', 'n']];
$output= array_permutation($a);
// the input column sets to be permuted
$column_sets = [
[ //set 1
['Column 1' => 'c1v1']
[ //set 2
['column 2' => 'c2v1', 'Column 3' => 'c3v1'],
['column 2' => 'c2v2', 'Column 3' => 'c3v2'],
[ //set 3
['Column 4' => 'c4v1', 'Column 5' => 'c5v1'],
['Column 4' => 'c4v2', 'Column 5' => 'c5v2'],
[ //set 4
['Column 6' => 'c6v1', 'Column 7' => 'c7v1'],
['Column 6' => 'c6v2', 'Column 7' => 'c7v2'],
['Column 6' => 'c6v3', 'Column 7' => 'c7v3'],
[ //set 5
['Column 8' => 'c8v1', 'Column 9' => 'c9v1'],
['Column 8' => 'c8v2', 'Column 9' => 'c9v2'],
['Column 8' => 'c8v3', 'Column 9' => 'c9v3'],
// copy the first set into the output to start
$output_rows = $column_sets[0];
foreach ($column_sets as $column_set) {
// save the current state of the rows for use within this loop
$current_output = $output_rows;
// calculate the number of permutations necessary to combine the output rows with the current column set
$permutations = count($output_rows) * count($column_set);
for ($permutation=0; $permutation < $permutations; $permutation++) {
// if the current permutation index is grater than the number of rows in the output,
// then copy a row from the pre-permutation output rows, repeating as necessary
if ($permutation > count($output_rows) - 1) {
$output_rows[] = $current_output[$permutation % count($current_output)];
// copy the columns from the column set
foreach ($column_set[0] as $key => $value) {
$output_rows[$permutation][$key] = $column_set[intval($permutation / count($current_output)) % count($column_set)][$key];
echo "After Permutaion:\n";
echo implode("\t", array_keys($output_rows[0])) . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($output_rows as $row) {
echo implode("\t", array_values($row)) . PHP_EOL;
我认为你的问题不是排列,而是组合,因为如果排列你的代码将输出上面写的内容,如果给定 {x,y,z} 的数组,排列的公式是 n!/(n-1)! 在这种情况下,它是 6。所以六个排列。