C(233 个字符)
"È#À#¶µ´³²±°¹¸·#####Ê#@i Že‘J•aEAv„…`q!j“d‰ƒˆ"[c-44]:63;c-35?
这需要来自标准输入的输入。从命令行获取输入会添加 2 个字符。代替:
...main(int i,char**s){char*p,c;for(p=s[1];...
我对 127 以上的字符使用 Windows-1252 代码页,但我不确定它们会如何出现在其他人的浏览器中。我注意到,至少在我的浏览器(谷歌浏览器)中,两个字符(“@”和“i”之间)没有出现。但是,如果您从浏览器中复制并粘贴到文本编辑器中,它们确实会显示出来,尽管只是小方框。
它可以仅转换为 ASCII,但这会增加 24 个字符,从而将字符数增加到 257。为此,我首先将字符串中的每个字符偏移 -64,从而最大限度地减少大于 127 的字符数。然后我在必要时替换\x
...c>90?35:c-32?"È#À#¶µ´³²±°¹¸·#####Ê#@i Že‘J•aEAv„…`q!j“d‰ƒˆ"[c-44]:63;
...c>90?99:c-32?"\x88#\x80#vutsrqpyxw#####\x8A#\0PA)\xE0N%Q\nU!O\5\1\66DE 1
/* writes `n` characters from internal string to stdout, starting with
* index `p` */
/* warning for using putch without declaring it */
/* dmckee noticed (http://tinyurl.com/n4eart) the overlap of the
* various morse codes and created a 37-character-length string that
* contained the morse code for every required character (except for
* space). You just have to know the start index and length of each
* one. With the same idea, I came up with this 32-character-length
* string. This not only saves 5 characters here, but means that I
* can encode the start indexes with only 5 bits below.
* The start and length of each character are as follows:
* A: 0,2 K: 1,3 U: 10,3 4: 18,5
* B: 16,4 L: 15,4 V: 19,4 5: 17,5
* C: 1,4 M: 5,2 W: 4,3 6: 16,5
* D: 9,3 N: 1,2 X: 9,4 7: 25,5
* E: 0,1 O: 22,3 Y: 3,4 8: 24,5
* F: 14,4 P: 4,4 Z: 8,4 9: 23,5
* G: 5,3 Q: 5,4 0: 22,5 .: 0,6
* H: 17,4 R: 0,3 1: 21,5 ,: 8,6
* I: 20,2 S: 17,3 2: 20,5 ?: 10,6
* J: 21,4 T: 1,1 3: 19,5
main(){ /* yuck, but it compiles and runs */
char *p, c, s[99];
/* p is a pointer within the input string */
/* c saves from having to do `*p` all the time */
/* s is the buffer for the input string */
gets(s); /* warning for use without declaring */
for(p=s; *p;){ /* begin with start of input, go till null character */
c = *p++; /* grab *p into c, increment p.
* incrementing p here instead of in the for loop saves
* one character */
c=toupper(c); /* warning for use without declaring */
c = c > 90 ? 35 : c - 32 ?
"È#À#¶µ´³²±°¹¸·#####Ê#@i Že‘J•aEAv„…`q!j“d‰ƒˆ"[c - 44] : 63;
/**** OR, for the ASCII version ****/
c = c > 90 ? 99 : c - 32 ?
"\x88#\x80#vutsrqpyxw#####\x8A#\0PA)\xE0N%Q\nU!O\5\1\66DE 1\xE1"
"*S$ICH"[c - 44] + 64 : 63;
/* Here's where it gets hairy.
* What I've done is encode the (start,length) values listed in the
* comment in the W function into one byte per character. The start
* index is encoded in the low 5 bits, and the length is encoded in
* the high 3 bits, so encoded_char = (char)(length << 5 | position).
* For the longer, ASCII-only version, 64 is subtracted from the
* encoded byte to reduce the necessity of costly \xXX representations.
* The character array includes encoded bytes covering the entire range
* of characters covered by the challenge, except for the space
* character, which is checked for separately. The covered range
* starts with comma, and ends with capital Z (the call to `toupper`
* above handles lowercase letters). Any characters not supported are
* represented by the "#" character, which is otherwise unused and is
* explicitly checked for later. Additionally, an explicit check is
* done here for any character above 'Z', which is changed to the
* equivalent of a "#" character.
* The encoded byte is retrieved from this array using the value of
* the current character minus 44 (since the first supported character
* is ASCII 44 and index 0 in the array). Finally, for the ASCII-only
* version, the offset of 64 is added back in.
c - 35 ? W(c >> 5, c & 31) : 0;
/**** OR, for the ASCII version ****/
c - 99 ? W(c >> 5, c & 31) : 0;
/* Here's that explicit check for the "#" character, which, as
* mentioned above, is for characters which will be ignored, because
* they aren't supported. If c is 35 (or 99 for the ASCII version),
* then the expression before the ? evaluates to 0, or false, so the
* expression after the : is evaluated. Otherwise, the expression
* before the ? is non-zero, thus true, so the expression before
* the : is evaluated.
* This is equivalent to:
* if(c != 35) // or 99, for the ASCII version
* W(c >> 5, c & 31);
* but is shorter by 2 characters.
/* This will output to the screen a blank space. Technically, it's not
* the same as a space character, but it looks like one, so I think I
* can get away with it. If a real space character is desired, this
* must be changed to `putch(32);`, which adds one character to the
* overall length.
} /* end for loop, continue with the rest of the input string */
} /* end main */
除了几个 Python 实现之外,这比这里的一切都好。我一直在想它不能再短了,但后来我找到了一些方法来剃掉更多的字符。如果有人能找到更多改进的空间,请告诉我。
我注意到,尽管此例程拒绝任何高于 ASCII 44 的无效字符(每个字符只输出一个空格),但它不会检查低于该值的无效字符。要检查这些会在总长度上增加 5 个字符,请更改以下内容: