我在将我的 Oracle 查询放到一个以 C# 作为其代码的 ASP.Net 页面时遇到问题。正如您在标题中看到的那样,我收到错误ORA-01008: not all variables bound when the query is connected to the page。但是当我尝试在 Oracle SQL Developer 中运行查询时,它运行得很好。请帮我解决我的问题。
这是我的 ASP.Net 代码:
to_char(eventdate,'MM/DD/YYYY') as eventdate
, workweek
, shift
, testerid
, to_char(datefrom, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as datefrom
, to_char(dateto, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as dateto
, (((dateto - datefrom)*24)*60) as totalminutes
, status
, statusreason
, serviceby
, starjobreason
, endjobreason
, lotno
, device
, teststep
, handlerid
, handlertype
, operatorid
, operatorname
, comments
--, vendormodel
with tbl_details as
( select
, hm.calendarworkweek as workweek
, hm.cdoname
, hm.txndate
, rsh.newstatusname
, rsh.newreasonname
, lead(jsh.joborderid) over (partition by hm.resourcename order by hm.resourcename, hm.historymainlineid, hm.txndate) as joborderid
, last_value(weph.paramvalue ignore nulls) over (partition by hm.resourcename order by hm.resourcename, hm.historymainlineid, hm.txndate) as handlerid
, last_value(hm.containername ignore nulls) over (partition by hm.resourcename order by hm.resourcename, hm.historymainlineid, hm.txndate) as lotno
, last_value(hm.employeeid ignore nulls) over (partition by hm.resourcename order by hm.resourcename, hm.historymainlineid, hm.txndate) as employeeid
, last_value(hm.specname ignore nulls) over (partition by hm.resourcename order by hm.resourcename, hm.historymainlineid, hm.txndate) as specname
, last_value(p.brandname ignore nulls) over (partition by hm.resourcename order by hm.resourcename, hm.historymainlineid, hm.txndate) as packagecode
, last_value(p.packagetype ignore nulls) over (partition by hm.resourcename order by hm.resourcename, hm.historymainlineid, hm.txndate) as packagetype
, last_value(p.device ignore nulls) over (partition by hm.resourcename order by hm.resourcename, hm.historymainlineid, hm.txndate) as device
, hm.comments
, rd.vendormodel
from historymainline hm
inner join resourcedef rd on hm.resourceid = rd.resourceid
left join resourcestatushistory rsh on hm.historymainlineid = rsh.historymainlineid
left join a_wipequipmenthistory weh on hm.containerid = weh.containerid and hm.resourceid = weh.equipmentid
left join a_jobstarthistory jsh on hm.historymainlineid = jsh.historymainlineid
left join a_wipequipmentparamshistory weph on weh.wipequipmenthistoryid = weph.wipequipmenthistoryid and weph.paramnamename = 'HANDLERID'
left join product p on hm.productid = p.productid
where hm.cdoname in ('TrackInLot','EquipmentSetStatus', 'JobStart') and hm.txndategmt > to_date(:startDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
where cdoname = 'EquipmentSetStatus'),
tbl_details2 as (
case when cast(to_char(nvl(dt.txndate, cldr.starttimestamp),'HH24.MISS') as float) < 6.0
then trunc(nvl(dt.txndate, cldr.starttimestamp)) - 1 else trunc(nvl(dt.txndate, cldr.starttimestamp)) end as eventdate
, nvl(hml.calendarworkweek, cww.workweek) as workweek
, case when cast(to_char(nvl(dt.txndate, cldr.starttimestamp),'HH24.MISS') as float) >= 6
and cast(to_char(nvl(dt.txndate, cldr.starttimestamp),'HH24.MISS') as float) < 18 then 'A' else 'B' end as shift
, r.resourcename as testerid
, nvl(dt.txndate, cldr.starttimestamp) as datefrom
, lead(nvl(dt.txndate, cldr.starttimestamp)) over (partition by r.resourcename order by nvl(dt.txndate, cldr.starttimestamp)) as dateto
, dt.newstatusname as status
, dt.newreasonname as statusreason
, af.fullname as serviceby
, jph.jobreasonname as starjobreason
, jphe.jobreasonname as endjobreason
, dt.lotno as lotno
, dt.device as device
, dt.specname as teststep
, dt.handlerid as handlerid
, r.attr_09 as handlertype
, ai.employeename as operatorid
, ai.fullname as operatorname
, ae.comments
, r.vendormodel
from resourcedef r
inner join a_calendarshifts cldr on cldr.starttimestamp > (to_date(:startDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY')) + 6/24 and cldr.starttimestamp < (to_date(:endDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY')) + 6/24
left join tbl_details dt on r.resourceid = dt.resourceid and dt.txndate between cldr.starttimestamp and cldr.endtimestamp
inner join a_calendarworkweeks cww on dt.txndate between to_date(to_char(cww.startdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY'),'MM/DD/YYYY') and to_date(to_char(cww.enddate, 'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
left join a_jobprogresshistory jph on dt.joborderid = jph.joborderid and jph.jobresultname = 'BEGIN' and upper(jph.fromstagename) like '%START%'
left join a_jobprogresshistory jphe on dt.joborderid = jphe.joborderid and jphe.jobresultname = 'END'
left join historymainline ae on jph.historymainlineid = ae.historymainlineid
left join historymainline hml on ae.historymainlineid = hml.historymainlineid
left join employee af on ae.employeeid = af.employeeid
left join resourcedef ag on dt.handlerid = ag.resourcename
left join location ah on r.locationid = ah.locationid
left join employee ai on dt.employeeid = ai.employeeid
where r.resourcename like :equipID and ah.locationname like '%' and r.attr_02 = 'TESTER'
order by dt.txndate),
tbl_details3 as (
row_number() over (partition by aa.testerid order by aa.testerid, aa.eventdate, aa.datefrom desc) as numdata
, row_number() over (partition by aa.testerid, aa.eventdate, aa.shift order by aa.testerid, aa.eventdate, aa.datefrom desc) as numdesc
, aa.eventdate
, aa.workweek
, aa.shift
, aa.testerid
, aa.datefrom
, aa.dateto
, aa.status
, aa.statusreason
, aa.serviceby
, aa.starjobreason
, aa.endjobreason
, aa.lotno
, aa.device
, aa.teststep
, aa.handlerid
, aa.handlertype
, aa.operatorid
, aa.operatorname
, aa.comments
, aa.vendormodel
from tbl_details2 aa) ,
tbl_equipfirstdata as (
row_number() over (partition by aa.testerid order by aa.testerid, aa.datefrom desc) as numdatdesc
, row_number() over (partition by aa.testerid, aa.eventdate, aa.shift order by aa.testerid, aa.eventdate, aa.datefrom) as num
, aa.eventdate
, aa.workweek
, aa.shift
, aa.testerid
, aa.datefrom
, aa.dateto
, aa.status
, aa.statusreason
, aa.serviceby
, aa.starjobreason
, aa.endjobreason
, aa.lotno
, aa.device
, aa.teststep
, aa.handlerid
, aa.handlertype
, aa.operatorid
, aa.operatorname
, aa.comments
, aa.vendormodel
from tbl_details2 aa
, ba.workweek
, ba.shift
, ba.testerid
, ba.datefrom
, (case when ba.shift = 'A' and ba.numdesc = 1 then trunc(ba.eventdate) + 18/24
when ba.shift = 'B' and ba.numdesc = 1 then trunc(ba.eventdate + 1) + 6/24 else ba.dateto end) as dateto
, ba.status
, ba.statusreason
, ba.serviceby
, ba.starjobreason
, ba.endjobreason
, ba.lotno
, ba.device
, ba.teststep
, ba.handlerid
, ba.handlertype
, ba.operatorid
, ba.operatorname
, ba.comments
, ba.vendormodel
from tbl_details3 ba
union all
case when ba.shift = 'B' then ba.eventdate + 1 else ba.eventdate end as eventdate
, ba.workweek
, case when ba.shift = 'B' then 'A'
when ba.shift = 'A' and ba.dateto > (trunc(ba.eventdate) + 18/24) then 'B' else ba.shift end as shift
, ba.testerid
, case when ba.shift = 'B' then (trunc(ba.eventdate + 1) + 6/24)
when ba.shift = 'A' and ba.dateto > (trunc(ba.eventdate) + 18/24) then (trunc(ba.eventdate) + 18/24) else ba.datefrom end as datefrom
, case when ba.shift = 'B' and ba.dateto > (trunc(ba.eventdate + 1) + 18/24) then (trunc(ba.eventdate + 1) + 18/24) else ba.dateto end as dateto
, ba.status
, ba.statusreason
, ba.serviceby
, ba.starjobreason
, ba.endjobreason
, ba.lotno
, ba.device
, ba.teststep
, ba.handlerid
, ba.handlertype
, ba.operatorid
, ba.operatorname
, ba.comments
, ba.vendormodel
from tbl_details3 ba
where ba.numdesc = 1 and cast(to_char(ba.datefrom,'HH24.MISS') as float) <> 6.0
and cast(to_char(ba.datefrom,'HH24.MISS') as float) <> 18.0
and cast(to_char(ba.dateto,'HH24.MISS') as float) <> 18.0
and ba.shift = 'A'
union all
case when ba.shift = 'B' then eventdate + 1 else ba.eventdate end as eventdate
, ba.workweek
, case when ba.shift = 'B' then 'A' else ba.shift end as shift
, ba.testerid
, case when ba.shift = 'B' then (trunc(ba.eventdate + 1) + 6/24) else datefrom end as datefrom
, case when ba.shift = 'B' and ba.dateto > (trunc(ba.eventdate + 1) + 18/24) then (trunc(ba.eventdate + 1) + 18/24) else ba.dateto end as dateto
, ba.status
, ba.statusreason
, ba.serviceby
, ba.starjobreason
, ba.endjobreason
, ba.lotno
, ba.device
, ba.teststep
, ba.handlerid
, ba.handlertype
, ba.operatorid
, ba.operatorname
, ba.comments
, ba.vendormodel
from tbl_details3 ba
where ba.numdesc = 1 and cast(to_char(ba.datefrom,'HH24.MISS') as float) <> 6.0 and ba.shift = 'B' and cast(to_char(ba.dateto,'HH24.MISS') as float) <> 6.0
union all
, ba.workweek
, ba.shift
, ba.testerid
, (case when ba.shift = 'A' then trunc(ba.eventdate) + 6/24
when ba.shift = 'B' then trunc(ba.eventdate) + 18/24 else ba.datefrom end) as datefrom
,(case when ba.shift = 'B' then ba.datefrom else ba.dateto end) as dateto
, ba.status
, ba.statusreason
, ba.serviceby
, ba.starjobreason
, ba.endjobreason
, ba.lotno
, ba.device
, ba.teststep
, ba.handlerid
, ba.handlertype
, ba.operatorid
, ba.operatorname
, ba.comments
, ba.vendormodel
from tbl_details3 ba
where ba.numdata = 1 and cast(to_char(datefrom,'HH24.MISS') as float) <> 6.0 and cast(to_char(datefrom,'HH24.MISS') as float) <> 18.0 and ba.shift = 'B' and cast(to_char(dateto,'HH24.MISS') as float) <> 18.0)
where eventdate BETWEEN ((TRUNC(to_date(:startDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY'))) + 6/24) AND (trunc(to_date(:endDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY')) + 6/24) and teststep is not null and testerid like :equipID and vendormodel like :venmod and handlertype like :handType or handlerid like :handID or operatorid like :operID and handlerid is not null --and rownum > 1
order by testerid, eventdate, datefrom
protected void btnFilter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["startDate"] = string.Empty;
Session["endDate"] = string.Empty;
Session["equipID"] = string.Empty;
Session["venmod"] = string.Empty;
Session["handID"] = string.Empty;
Session["handType"] = string.Empty;
Session["operID"] = string.Empty;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDateFrom.Text))
Session["startDate"] = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).Date.ToShortDateString();
txtDateFrom.Text = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).Date.ToShortDateString();
Session["startDate"] = txtDateFrom.Text.ToString();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDateTo.Text))
Session["endDate"] = DateTime.Now.Date.ToShortDateString();
txtDateTo.Text = DateTime.Now.Date.ToShortDateString();
Session["endDate"] = txtDateTo.Text.ToString();
if (ddlTesterID.SelectedItem.Value.ToString() == "")
Session["equipID"] = "%".ToString();
Session["equipID"] = ddlTesterID.SelectedItem.Value.ToString();
if (ddlTesterType.SelectedItem.Value.ToString() == "")
Session["venmod"] = "%".ToString();
Session["venmod"] = ddlTesterType.SelectedItem.Value.ToString();
if (ddlHandlerID.SelectedItem.Value.ToString() == "")
Session["handID"] = "%".ToString();
Session["handID"] = ddlHandlerID.SelectedItem.Value.ToString();
if (ddlHandlerType.SelectedItem.Value.ToString() == "")
Session["handType"] = "%".ToString();
Session["handType"] = ddlHandlerType.SelectedItem.Value.ToString();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtOperatorID.Text))
Session["operID"] = "%".ToString();
Session["operID"] = txtOperatorID.Text.ToString();
//X.MessageBox.Alert("Warning", Session["venmod"].ToString()).Show();
UltraWebGrid1.DataSourceID = EDTDS.ID;
这是 SqlDataSource:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="EDTDS" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Camstar %>"
ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Camstar.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand="select ..."
<asp:SessionParameter ConvertEmptyStringToNull="False" Name="startDate"
SessionField="startDate" />
<asp:SessionParameter ConvertEmptyStringToNull="False" Name="endDate"
SessionField="endDate" />
<asp:SessionParameter ConvertEmptyStringToNull="False" Name="equipID"
SessionField="equipID" />
<asp:SessionParameter ConvertEmptyStringToNull="False" Name="venmod"
SessionField="venmod" />
<asp:SessionParameter ConvertEmptyStringToNull="False" Name="handType"
SessionField="handType" />
<asp:SessionParameter ConvertEmptyStringToNull="False" Name="handID"
SessionField="handID" />
<asp:SessionParameter ConvertEmptyStringToNull="False" Name="operID"
SessionField="operID" />