I'm using a GridView in C#.NET 3.5 and have just converted the underlying DataSource from Adapter model to an object which gets its data from LINQ to SQL - i.e. a Business object that returns a List<> for the GetData() function etc.

All was well in Denmark and the Update, and conditional Select statements work as expected but I can't get the Delete function to work. Just trying to pass in the ID or the entire object but it's being passed in a "new" object with none of the properties set. I'm just wondering if it's the old OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" monster in the ObjectDataSource causing confusion again.

Anybody have any ideas?


1 回答 1


I found the solution. I had to set the GridView's DataKeyNames property to the unique key that my data was returning (in this case a classically named ID field). I'm guessing that this property "unset" itself when the Grid refreshed.

于 2008-08-17T06:22:37.280 回答