我正在寻找一种在汇编程序中打印整数的方法(我使用的编译器是 Linux 上的 NASM),但是,经过一些研究,我还没有找到真正可行的解决方案。我能够找到用于此目的的基本算法的描述,并在此基础上开发了以下代码:

global _start

section .bss
digit: resb 16
count: resb 16
i: resb 16

section .data

section .text

mov             dword[i], 108eh         ; i = 4238
mov             dword[count], 1
mov             eax, dword[i]
mov             ecx, 0Ah
div             ecx  
mov             dword[digit], edx

add             dword[digit], 30h       ; add 48 to digit to make it an ASCII char
call            write_digit

inc             dword[count]

mov             eax, dword[i]
mov             ecx, 0Ah
div             ecx  
mov             dword[i], eax 
cmp             dword[i], 0Ah  
jg              L01

add             dword[i], 48            ; add 48 to i to make it an ASCII char
mov             eax, 4                  ; system call #4 = sys_write
mov             ebx, 1                  ; file descriptor 1 = stdout
mov             ecx, i                  ; store *address* of i into ecx
mov             edx, 16                 ; byte size of 16
int             80h

jmp             exit

mov             eax, 01h                ; exit()
xor             ebx, ebx                ; errno
int             80h

mov             eax, 4                  ; system call #4 = sys_write
mov             ebx, 1                  ; file descriptor 1 = stdout
mov             ecx, digit              ; store *address* of digit into ecx
mov             edx, 16                 ; byte size of 16
int             80h

我想要实现的 C# 版本(为了清楚起见):

static string int2string(int i)
    Stack<char> stack = new Stack<char>();
    string s = "";

        stack.Push((char)((i % 10) + 48));
        i = i / 10;
    } while (i > 10);

    stack.Push((char)(i + 48));

    foreach (char c in stack)
        s += c;

    return s;

问题是它反向输出字符,所以对于4238,输出是8324。起初,我以为我可以使用 x86 堆栈来解决这个问题,将数字压入,然后将它们弹出并在最后打印出来,但是当我尝试实现该功能时,它失败了,我再也无法得到输出。



4 回答 4


一种方法是使用递归。在这种情况下,您将数字除以 10(得到商和余数),然后将商称为要显示的数字;然后显示余数对应的数字。


; eax = number to display

    section .data
const10:    dd 10
    section .text

    push eax
    push edx
    xor edx,edx          ;edx:eax = number
    div dword [const10]  ;eax = quotient, edx = remainder
    test eax,eax         ;Is quotient zero?
    je .l1               ; yes, don't display it
    call printNumber     ;Display the quotient
    lea eax,[edx+'0']
    call printCharacter  ;Display the remainder
    pop edx
    pop eax


; eax = number to display

    section .data
    dd 1000000000
    dd 100000000
    dd 10000000
    dd 1000000
    dd 100000
    dd 10000
    dd 1000
    dd 100
    dd 10
    dd 1
    dd 0
    section .text

    push eax
    push ebx
    push edx
    mov ebx,divisorTable
    xor edx,edx          ;edx:eax = number
    div dword [ebx]      ;eax = quotient, edx = remainder
    add eax,'0'
    call printCharacter  ;Display the quotient
    mov eax,edx          ;eax = remainder
    add ebx,4            ;ebx = address of next divisor
    cmp dword [ebx],0    ;Have all divisors been done?
    jne .nextDigit
    pop edx
    pop ebx
    pop eax


于 2012-11-23T05:49:24.690 回答

我认为也许实现堆栈并不是做到这一点的最佳方式(我真的认为你可以弄清楚如何做到这一点,说如何pop只是一个mov和一个递减sp, 所以你可以真正地在任何你喜欢的地方设置一个堆栈,只需为它分配内存并将你的一个寄存器设置为你的新“堆栈指针”)。我认为如果您实际上为 c 风格的空分隔字符串分配内存,然后使用您使用的相同算法创建一个将 int 转换为字符串的函数,然后将结果传递给另一个函数,我认为这段代码可以变得更清晰和更模块化能够打印这些字符串。它将避免您遭受的一些意大利面条代码综合症,并解决您的问题。如果你想让我演示,请问,但如果你写了上面的东西,我想你可以弄清楚如何通过更分裂的过程。

于 2012-11-23T05:46:48.880 回答
; Input
; EAX = pointer to the int to convert
; EDI = address of the result
; Output:
; None
    xor   ebx, ebx        ; clear the ebx, I will use as counter for stack pushes
    xor edx, edx          ; clear edx
    mov ecx, 10           ; ecx is divisor, devide by 10
    div ecx               ; devide edx by ecx, result in eax remainder in edx
    add edx, 0x30         ; add 0x30 to edx convert int => ascii
    push edx              ; push result to stack
    inc ebx               ; increment my stack push counter
    test eax, eax         ; is eax 0?
    jnz .push_chars       ; if eax not 0 repeat

    pop eax               ; pop result from stack into eax
    stosb                 ; store contents of eax in at the address of num which is in EDI
    dec ebx               ; decrement my stack push counter
    cmp ebx, 0            ; check if stack push counter is 0
    jg .pop_chars         ; not 0 repeat
    mov eax, 0x0a
    stosb                 ; add line feed
    ret                   ; return to main
于 2018-01-31T07:17:54.337 回答
; eax = number to stringify/output
; edi = location of buffer

    push  edx
    push  ecx
    push  edi
    push  ebp
    mov   ebp, esp
    mov   ecx, 10

    xor   edx, edx        ; zero-extend eax
    div   ecx             ; divide by 10; now edx = next digit
    add   edx, 30h        ; decimal value + 30h => ascii digit
    push  edx             ; push the whole dword, cause that's how x86 rolls
    test  eax, eax        ; leading zeros suck
    jnz   .pushDigits

    pop   eax
    stosb                 ; don't write the whole dword, just the low byte
    cmp   esp, ebp        ; if esp==ebp, we've popped all the digits
    jne   .popDigits

    xor   eax, eax        ; add trailing nul

    mov   eax, edi
    pop   ebp
    pop   edi
    pop   ecx
    pop   edx
    sub   eax, edi        ; return number of bytes written
于 2012-11-23T07:57:11.003 回答