1. 如果协议(受 OAuth 影响)仅使用timestamp, 和nonce,
  2. 服务器强烈检查这两个因素,
  3. request method省略,request URL和是否(可以说)安全query parameters

我有一个受 OAuth 影响很大的自定义 HTTP 协议。

some-NAME: unencrypted information for identifying client and locating the shared secret key
some-INIT: iv
some-CODE: AES256-encrypted information; timestamp and nonce are in here
some-AUTH: Hmac with SHA512 for CODE before encrypted.

当服务器端只检查timestampandnonce时,它安全吗?some replay attacks 还是 some bastards-in-the-middle-attacks 可以吗?

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