我正在使用 dot net nuke,我需要重写我的网站网址,例如:从products.aspxproducts-computers/home.aspx

我尝试使用此规则修改 siteurls.config

<LookFor>.*/products.aspx</LookFor> <SendTo>~/products-computers/home.aspx</SendTo> 它不起作用。请帮忙!


2 回答 2


If you are trying to change the URLs of your website, you will need to use a tool like URLMaster from Ifinity to get the ultimate flexibility

What you are doing with the siteurls.config appears to be is define that if someone requests /products.aspx that instead of loading a page called products.aspx, they load a page with a path (defined in DNN) as /products-computers/home.aspx

That means that you need to have a parent page called Products-Computers and a child page under there called Home.

于 2013-02-14T17:19:58.847 回答

我曾经编辑过siteurls.config,它对我有用——不过你应该小心语法。我不喜欢重新 siteurls.config 是您最终在正确的页面上,但在浏览器的地址栏中地址错误。所以我更喜欢这个解决方案,我亲自调查和测试过,stackoverflow 社区成员也证实了这一点:

将旧网站页面重定向到 dnn 门户上的单个页面

于 2014-03-29T11:32:59.317 回答