我有 2 个日历控件“cldStartDate”和“cldEndDate”,它们链接到 2 个文本框“txtStartDate”和“txtEndDate”。选择日期后,这些文本框将保存日期。我正在尝试让我的代码将日期添加到我的数据库中。它具有以下字段:
-ProjectName -Description -StartDate -EndDate
'StartDate' 和 'EndDate' 在我的数据库中都是 DateTime 类型。有人可以指出我的代码哪里出错了。我想我需要更改代码以将日期值作为 DateTime 传递。有没有人知道我可以如何做到这一点。代码如下。谢谢!
Protected Sub btnAddProject_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 处理 btnAddProject.Click
Dim projectName As String
Dim projectDescription As String
Dim startdate As String
Dim enddate As String
projectName = txtProjectName.Text
projectDescription = txtProjectName.Text
startdate = txtStartDate.Text
enddate = txtEndDate.Text
' check the validity of information entered
Dim isValid As Boolean
isValid = True
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(projectName) Or String.IsNullOrEmpty(projectDescription) Then
isValid = False
End If
If isValid Then
'add everything to the database
Dim db As New AgileClassesDataContext()
Dim startDate As String
startDate = DateTime.Parse(startDate)
Dim endDate As String
endDate = DateTime.Parse(endDate)
' create a project to populate a row in the PROJECT table
Dim project As New Project With _
{.ProjectName = projectName, _
.Description = projectDescription _
.StartDate = startdate _
.EndDate = enddate}
' add the new project to the PROJECT table
' submit the changes to the database
Catch ex As Exception
End Try'