Matlab R2007b 的后记输出是有问题的。我发现文本字符串在 postscript 输出 (simprintdiag)中被拆分为许多“ moveto ”和“show”命令。这会在排版为 PDF 时导致问题,因为有时可以将额外的空白插入标签中(因此您无法双击它们,并且在搜索中找不到!)。

为了避免这个问题,我编写了一个 Perl 脚本来将这些拆分的“显示”命令重新组合在一起,但是,它有一些问题,我需要一些帮助。

  1. 像“(0) s”这样的显示命令没有正确重复,并出现在下一个块中。
  2. 输入 postscript 文件始终由脚本修改,即使不需要更改。
  3. 一开始有一个技巧可以绕过连续的显示命令。
  4. 它不是很快,并且鉴于某些项目有超过 2000 个 postscript 文件,欢迎任何速度改进。

下面我的代码中的 DATA 有四个在 mt 和 s 命令中拆分文本字符串的示例。我已经在最后包含了最终输出应该是什么样的。该脚本使用了这样一个事实,即我们的文本是从左到右书写的,或者在后记中,带有移动的 X 线和固定的 Y 线。因此,可以得出结论,具有相同 Y 线的连续 mt 命令是相同的文本字符串。


谢谢 :)

我的 Perl 脚本:

use strict;
use warnings;

my $debug=1;

## Slurp the input file into a variable
my $ps_in;
while(<DATA>) {
   $ps_in .= $_;     # Take a copy of input file

## The main PS fix algorithm only works with show commands on a single
## line!  Fix the input contents now by joining all show commands that 
## occur over multiple lines.  Examples of this are:
##  272   63 mt 
## (main is an externally linked function of the ACC feature ru\
## nning every ) s
##  991   63 mt
## (100) s
my $buf;
my $no_show_split;
open(my $fh_ps, "<", \$ps_in );
while(<$fh_ps>) {
   if( /^(.*)\\$/ ) {   # Match on all lines ending with backslash \
      $buf .= $1;
   else {
      if( $buf ) {
         $no_show_split .= $buf;
      $no_show_split .= $_;
close $fh_ps;

## Reopen our ps input, now the show splits have been removed
open($fh_ps,"<",\$no_show_split );

my $moveto_line = qr/^\s*\d+\s+(\d+)\s+(mt|moveto)/;  # Example '2831  738 mt'
my $show_line   = qr/^\((.+)\)\s+(s|show)/;           # Example '(chris) s'
my $ycrd;      # Y-axis cords
my $pstxt;     # Text to display
my $mtl;       # Moveto line
my $print_text;
my $fixes=0;
my $ps_condensed;

while(<$fh_ps>) {

    if( $print_text ) {
        $ps_condensed .= "$mtl\n";
        $ps_condensed .= "($pstxt) s\n";
        print "($pstxt) s\n====================\n" if $debug;

    if( /$moveto_line/ ) {

        if( !$ycrd ) {
            $mtl=$_;       # Store this line for print later
            $ycrd=$1;      # Match on y-axis value
            redo;          # Redo this iteration so we can read the show line in
        elsif( $1 == $ycrd ) {
            <$fh_ps> =~ /$show_line/;  # Read in the show line
            $pstxt .= $1;              # Built up string we want
            print " $mtl -->$1<--\n" if $debug;
        else {
            $print_text=1; # Dropped out matching on y-cord so force a print
            redo;          # Need to redo this line again
    else {
        if( $pstxt ) {     # Print if we have something in buffer
        $ps_condensed .= $_;

} # End While Loop
close $fh_ps;

print $ps_condensed;

%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica
/Helvetica /WindowsLatin1Encoding 60 FMSR

11214 11653 mt 
(0) s
4.5 w
156 0 2204 19229 2 MP stroke
156 0 2204 19084 2 MP stroke

%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica
/Helvetica /WindowsLatin1Encoding 120 FMSR

8913 14971 mt 
(Function) s
9405 14971 mt 
(-) s
9441 14971 mt 
(Call) s
9009 15127 mt 
(Generator) s
6 w

%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica
/Helvetica /WindowsLatin1Encoding 120 FMSR

4962 4747 mt 
(trigger) s
5322 4747 mt 
(_) s
5394 4747 mt 
(scheduler) s
5934 4747 mt 
(_) s
6006 4747 mt 
(100) s
6222 4747 mt 
(ms) s
6378 4747 mt 
(_) s
6450 4747 mt 
(task) s
6654 4747 mt 
(_) s
6726 4747 mt 
(06) s
6 w

24 10 10 24 0 4 -10 24 -24 10 5806 11736 14 MP stroke
%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica
/Helvetica /WindowsLatin1Encoding 120 FMSR

5454 11947 mt 
did_this_example_) s
5874 11947 mt 
(to_test) s
5946 11947 mt 
(_out) s
6 w


%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica
/Helvetica /WindowsLatin1Encoding 60 FMSR

11214 11653 mt 
(0) s
4.5 w
156 0 2204 19229 2 MP stroke
156 0 2204 19084 2 MP stroke

%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica
/Helvetica /WindowsLatin1Encoding 120 FMSR

8913 14971 mt 
(Function-Call) s
9009 15127 mt 
(Generator) s
6 w

%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica
/Helvetica /WindowsLatin1Encoding 120 FMSR

4962 4747 mt 
(trigger_scheduler_100ms_task_06) s
6 w

24 10 10 24 0 4 -10 24 -24 10 5806 11736 14 MP stroke
%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica
/Helvetica /WindowsLatin1Encoding 120 FMSR

5454 11947 mt 
(Chris_did_this_example_to_test_out) s
6 w

2 回答 2




  • 用成语啜饮所有数据:do { local $/; <DATA> };
  • 使用单个正则表达式修复行尾的反斜杠

use strict;
use warnings;

my $data = do { local $/; <DATA> };
$data =~ s,\\\n,,g;

my $out = "";
my $s = "";    
my $y;

for my $line (split("\n", $data)) {
  if (defined($y) && $line =~ m/^\((.*)\)\s+s\s*$/) {
    $s .= $1;
  } elsif ($line =~ m/^(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+mt\s*$/) {
    if (defined($y) && $y == $2) {
    } else {
      $y = $2;
  } else {
    $y = undef;
  if (length($s)) {
    $out .= "($s) s\n";
    $s = "";
  $out .= "$line\n";

print $out;
于 2012-11-22T17:34:23.447 回答


#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw

use strict;
use warnings;

my %regex_for = (
    a => qr{
        \( ( \w+ ) \)     \s s  \s+  # (Function) s
        \d+ \s+ \d+       \s mt \s+  # 9405 14971 mt
        \( ( [-_]|ms ) \) \s s  \s+  # (-) s
        \d+ \s+ \d+       \s mt \s+  # 9441 14971 mt
        \( ( \w+ ) \)     \s s  \s+  # (Call) s
    b => qr{
        \( ( \w+ ) \\ \s* ( \w+ ) \)  # (Chris_\
    }xms,    #  did_this_example_)
    c => qr{
        \( ( \w+ _ ) \) \s s  \s+  # (Chris_did_this_example_) s
        \d+ \s+ \d+     \s mt \s+  # 5874 11947 mt
        \( ( \w+ ) \)   \s s  \s+  # (to_test) s
    d => qr{
        \( ( \w+ ) \)   \s s  \s+  # (to_test) s
        \d+ \s+ \d+     \s mt \s+  # 5946 11947 mt
        \( ( _ \w+ ) \) \s s  \s+  # (_out) s

my $ps = do { local $/; <DATA> };

    my $a = $ps =~ s{ $regex_for{a} }{($1$2$3) s\n}xmsg;
    my $b = $ps =~ s{ $regex_for{b} }{($1$2)}xmsg;
    my $c = $ps =~ s{ $regex_for{c} }{($1$2) s\n}xmsg;
    my $d = $ps =~ s{ $regex_for{d} }{($1$2) s\n}xmsg;

    redo REGSUB
        if $a || $b || $c || $d;

print $ps;

%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica
/Helvetica /WindowsLatin1Encoding 60 FMSR

11214 11653 mt
(0) s
4.5 w
156 0 2204 19229 2 MP stroke
156 0 2204 19084 2 MP stroke

%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica
/Helvetica /WindowsLatin1Encoding 120 FMSR

8913 14971 mt
(Function) s
9405 14971 mt
(-) s
9441 14971 mt
(Call) s
9009 15127 mt
(Generator) s
6 w

%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica
/Helvetica /WindowsLatin1Encoding 120 FMSR

4962 4747 mt
(trigger) s
5322 4747 mt
(_) s
5394 4747 mt
(scheduler) s
5934 4747 mt
(_) s
6006 4747 mt
(100) s
6222 4747 mt
(ms) s
6378 4747 mt
(_) s
6450 4747 mt
(task) s
6654 4747 mt
(_) s
6726 4747 mt
(06) s
6 w

24 10 10 24 0 4 -10 24 -24 10 5806 11736 14 MP stroke
%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica
/Helvetica /WindowsLatin1Encoding 120 FMSR

5454 11947 mt
did_this_example_) s
5874 11947 mt
(to_test) s
5946 11947 mt
(_out) s
6 w
于 2012-11-23T04:09:21.763 回答