We are running applications on weblogic server. We have a requirement in which we want to monitor jdbc calls made on a data source. We only want to collect time taken for each sql to execute and number of times a sql is fired. I also want to collect this information per user session.

There are a few utilties on the web like weblogic jdbc spy, log4jdbc, etc. But they all required additional setup on the data source and provide output on a separate logging file which does not contain per session output as such. Is it possible to create another weblogic application that listens on a given data source and record all the sql and the timings per session? Please provide any pointers that you have.

TIA, Siva Rajesh


1 回答 1


Oracle JRockit Flight Recorder 可以为您解答。我在用他。只需在定义的时间记录,然后使用 Oracle JRockit Mission Control 分析收集的 jfr 文件。


Oracle JRockit 飞行记录器手册

Oracle JRockit 任务控制

或者您可以使用参数 -Doracle.jdbc.Trace=true -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/jdbc/demo/OracleLog.properties 找到您的答案

于 2012-12-07T11:00:13.210 回答