正如 Abbondanza 所提到的,如果您想使用正则表达式执行此操作,您将需要平衡组。我应该警告你,这不是一个好的解决方案。虽然 .NET 的正则表达式引擎是少数可以处理此类情况的引擎之一,但它仍然不是真正推荐的方法。您最好手动解析语言,这样可以更轻松地计算嵌套级别。
and RegexOptions.Singleline
(?<=\[!--@Else--\]) # Make sure that our match begins right after an else
# block.
[^\[]* # Match as many non-[ characters as possible (the actual
# statement)
(?= # This lookahead will assert that the previous statement
# was a top-level Else
(?<Depth>) # Push one capture onto the stack "Depth" (because, if
# this is one of the desired "Else"s we are exactly one
# level deep
(?> # Start a subpattern for anything that could follow and
# suppress backtracking (because the alternatives are
# mutually exclusive)
# If we encounter an If block, push a new capture onto
# the stack (because the nesting level rises)
| # OR
# IF we can pop a capture from the stack, consume an
# EndIf. If we cannot, the named group will fail. Hence
# we can only consume one EndIf more than we already
# encountered Ifs.
| # OR
(?!\[!--@EndIf--\]). # If this character does not mark the beginning of an
# EndIf, consume an arbitrary character.
)* # Repeat as long as possible.
$ # Make sure we have reached the end of the string.
(?(Depth)(?!)) # If there is anything left on the stack, fail, too,
# because there are some Ifs that were not closed, so
# the syntax was invalid anyway.
# You can leave this out if you have convinced yourself
# beforehand that the overall nesting syntax is correct.
) # End of lookahead.
- 主要问题可能是实际匹配
s 和EndIf
s 在里面Else
您会看到,要获得涵盖 100% 所有情况的正则表达式解决方案,您需要使该代码完全不可维护。这就是为什么您应该真正考虑手动分析字符串并构建某种语法树的原因。通过这种方式,您可以获得嵌套结构的 OOP 表示,可以轻松遍历Else
您想要查找的特定 s。