我正在创建一个遵循清单 2 准则的 Chrome 扩展程序。我已经为此工作了几个小时,但无法弄清楚如何让 jquery 在网页内运行,以便我可以使用它来为页面上的元素设置动画。(具体使用slideUp()函数)
这是 manifest.json
"manifest_version": 2,
"icons": {
"16": "images/16.png",
"25": "images/25.png",
"32": "images/32.png",
"48": "images/48.png",
"128": "images/128.png"
"background": {
"scripts": ["js/main.js", "js/jquery.min.js"]
"options_page": "options/options.html",
"permissions": [
"page_action": {
"default_name": "Fullscreen",
"default_icon": "images/128.png"
这是 main.js
// Called when the url of a tab changes.
function checkForValidUrl(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
// If the letter 'g' is found in the tab's URL...
if (tab.url.indexOf('maps') > -1 && tab.url.indexOf('google') > -1) {
// ... show the page action.
// Listen for any changes to the URL of any tab.
chrome.pageAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tab.id, {code: "document.getElementById('paneltoggle2').click(); $('gb').slideUp();"});
<head><title>My Test Extension Options</title></head>
<script src="options.js"></script>
Favorite Color:
<select id="color">
<option value="red">red</option>
<option value="green">green</option>
<option value="blue">blue</option>
<option value="yellow">yellow</option>
<div id="status"></div>
<button id="save" onclick="save_options();">Save</button>
// Saves options to localStorage.
function save_options() {
var select = document.getElementById("color");
var color = select.children[select.selectedIndex].value;
localStorage["favorite_color"] = color;
// Update status to let user know options were saved.
var status = document.getElementById("status");
status.innerHTML = "Options Saved.";
setTimeout(function() {
status.innerHTML = "";
}, 750);
// Restores select box state to saved value from localStorage.
function restore_options() {
var favorite = localStorage["favorite_color"];
if (!favorite) {
var select = document.getElementById("color");
for (var i = 0; i < select.children.length; i++) {
var child = select.children[i];
if (child.value == favorite) {
child.selected = "true";
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', restore_options);
document.querySelector('#save').addEventListener('click', save_options);
function insert() {
$('#gb').after("<div id='hideGB' style='background: #DEDEDE; display:inline-block; border-bottom-left-radius:3px; border-bottom-right-radius:3px; padding:1px 10px 1px 10px; cursor:hand;'><div style='direction: ltr; text-align: left; height: 21px; overflow: hidden; vertical-align: middle; width: 21px; position: relative; display: inline-block;'><div id='hideGBimg' style='left: 0; top: -1329px; height: 2334px; position: absolute; width: 42px; content: url(http://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/common/jfk_sprite70.png);'> </div></div></div>");
document.querySelector('#hideGB').addEventListener('click', change_hicon);
function change_hicon() {
if (document.getElementById('hideGBimg').style.top == '-1329px') {
document.getElementById('hideGBimg').style.top = '-1168px';
else if (document.getElementById('hideGBimg').style.top == '-1168px') {
document.getElementById('hideGBimg').style.top = '-1329px';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', insert);
Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' chrome-extension-resource:".