我很惊讶无法找到记录浏览器 CSS、HTML 和 Javascript 错误的可靠资源。显然有一些像http://caniuse.com/http://www.quirksmode.org/这样的网站从另一个方向着手,记录功能实现,有时会注意到错误和部分实现的功能,但是有一个网站可以列出每个浏览器/浏览器版本的已知错误和解决方法?


3 回答 3


我找到 http://caniuse.com/


于 2013-01-20T19:01:15.850 回答

What I found pretty interesting are the different doctypes. Not only that you can trigger QuirksMode (an IE 5.5-like rendering in InternetExplorer - don't know how other browsers handle that) but also that you can have an Almost-Standard-Mode. http://hsivonen.iki.fi/doctype/#Sending%20XHTML%20as%20text/html%20Considered%20Harmful

Here's a list of bugs in IE8: http://jhop.me/ie8-bugs

All the other stuff I found is most likely gone. IE6 is nearly dead (http://www.ie6countdown.com/#chart), IE7 is also used by just a minority (http://theie7countdown.com/) ... now it's just depending on what you want to support. If you still want/have to support IE7 or IE6, I'd look at the links posted by Pedr. That's where I found all the css-bugs, excepted by one - the IE6 PNG bug. But Safari also has his problems with the PNG transparency and the gamma channel :)

PNG Problem (IE6, IE7 and Safari): http://morris-photographics.com/photoshop/articles/png-gamma.html

That's all coming to my mind. I mostly skip the PNG problem by minifying the png and gif files before uploading them into a live-system by using http://imageoptim.com/.

I don't know if anyone listed the JS-Bugs ... I just know of missing functions and that's where you could use a framework like jQuery or something not that blown-up :)

于 2013-01-24T22:52:03.607 回答



– IE 5+ 错误,但自 2009 年以来未更新


– Paul Irish 的常见浏览器黑客列表,自 2009 年以来再次未更新。

于 2012-11-26T11:31:49.867 回答