Sorry very new to all of this. I am currently trying to put together a basic script to create a folder based on use input. I can get to the point where the input can be done and the folder is created but not with inputbox data.
dim UserName
UserName = InputBox ("Please enter user name")
if Username = "" then
MsgBox("No username entered")
do while(UserName = "")
UserName = InputBox ("Please enter user name")
if Username = "" then
MsgBox("No Username entered")
MsgBox("Please click OK to continue")
end if
MsgBox ("Please click ok to continue")
end if
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
objShell.Run "cmd /c mkdir c:\temp\UserName"
As I said am very new to this so am open to any tips or pointers in the right direction.
Cheers in advance