我想对 xml 文件中的以下过滤结果进行分页:


//load up the XML file as the variable $xml (which is now an array)

$xml = simplexml_load_file('inventory.xml');

//create the function xmlfilter, and tell it which arguments it will be handling

function xmlfilter ($xml, $color, $weight, $maxprice)
    $res = array();
    foreach ($xml->widget as $w)
        //initially keep all elements in the array by setting keep to 1
        $keep = 1;
        //now start checking to see if these variables have been set
        if ($color!='')
        //if color has been set, and the element's color does not match, don't keep this element
            if ((string)$w->color != $color) $keep = 0;
        //if the max weight has been set, ensure the elements weight is less, or don't keep this element
        if ($weight)
            if ((int)$w->weight > $weight) $keep = 0;
        //same goes for max price
        if ($maxprice)
            if ((int)$w->price > $maxprice) $keep = 0;
        if ($keep) $res[] = $w;
    return $res;

//check to see if the form was submitted (the url will have '?sub=Submit' at the end)
if (isset($_GET['sub']))
    //$color will equal whatever value was chosen in the form (url will show '?color=Blue')
    $color = isset($_GET['color'])? $_GET['color'] : '';
    //same goes for these fellas
    $weight = $_GET['weight'];
    $price = $_GET['price'];

    //now pass all the variables through the filter and create a new array called $filtered
    $filtered = xmlfilter($xml ,$color, $weight, $price);
    //finally, echo out each element from $filtered, along with its properties in neat little spans
    foreach ($filtered as $widget) {
        echo "<div class='widget'>";
        echo "<span class='name'>" . $widget->name . "</span>";
        echo "<span class='color'>" . $widget->color . "</span>";
        echo "<span class='weight'>" . $widget->weight . "</span>";
        echo "<span class='price'>" . $widget->price . "</span>";
        echo "</div>";


<hotels xmlns="">
            <descr>blah blah blah</descr>



1 回答 1


老实说,如果您已经在使用 XML 并且想要进行分页,那么请使用 XSL。它将允许对结果进行格式化并轻松进行分页。PHP 有一个内置的 XSL 转换器 iirc


于 2012-11-21T23:32:17.723 回答