我曾多次尝试插入数据库。这些值包含一个单引号 - 魔术引号被关闭,addslashes() 和 mysql_real_escape_string() 都转义了字符,但脚本在没有添加到数据库的情况下死亡。我也手动逃脱了,但这也失败了。但是,即使删除撇号,脚本仍然会死掉。
错误是: 无法插入人员:您的 SQL 语法有错误;检查与您的 MySQL 服务器版本相对应的手册,以在第 2 行的“11,Hazel,Blonde,从未错过一天的工作,从伯克利毕业,服务”附近使用正确的语法有人看到任何问题吗?
$amount = 1;
$staffnum = '0101';
$height = array("5'11", "5'4", "6'2","5'5", "6'4");
$eye = array("Blue","Green","Hazel","Brown");
$hair = array("Brown", "Black", "Blonde", "Red");
$about1 = "Has never missed a day of work";
$about2 = "Graduated from Berkley";
$positions = array('Server, Bartender', 'Bartender, Host', 'Sever, Host, Bartender', 'Cocktail Server, Bartender, Server');
$img = "none";
// arrays
$times = 1;
while($times <= 50) {
$staffnum ++;
$heighta = mysql_real_escape_string($height[array_rand($height)]);
$eyea = mysql_real_escape_string($eye[array_rand($eye)]);
$haira = mysql_real_escape_string($hair[array_rand($hair)]);
$positionsa = mysql_real_escape_string($positions[array_rand($positions)]);
$about1 = mysql_real_escape_string($about1);
$about2 = mysql_real_escape_string($about2);
$img = mysql_real_escape_string($img);
$staffnum = mysql_real_escape_string($staffnum);
$insert_staff = "INSERT INTO staff (staffnum, img_link, height, eye, hair, abt1, abt2, titles)
VALUES ($staffnum, $img, $heighta, $eyea, $haira, $about1, $about2, $positionsa)";
$insert_query = mysql_query($insert_staff);
if($insert_query) {
Member # <?php echo $staffnum; ?> has been added to the database.<br />
} else {
die('Could not insert staff: ' . mysql_error());
$times ++;
<a href="staff_insert.php?page=1">Return To Staff Insert</a>