I have this CheckBoxList control and to each ListItem of it, have set the Text property to the img HTML tag so it displays an image.
I am trying to remove the tick/check box from the checkboxes of a ASP.NET CheckBoxList control when i click on each item.
My code does this. Every time i click on some check box, the SelectedIndexChanged event fires up and it does some saving of some data in my database. And when the saving is done and the page is refreshed i want to check/tick box of the checkbox item that was clicked not to be there anymore and the checkbox to be disabled cause i don't want the user to able able to click it again. I have tried to tried to set the Enable and Selected properties to False, and also add an attribute to the CheckboxList control, but without success. Here is my code.
<asp:CheckBoxList ID="Services" runat="server" RepeatColumns="5" CellPadding="10"
CellSpacing="15" RepeatLayout="Table"
Font-Size="Large" RepeatDirection="Vertical" TextAlign="Right"
AutoPostBack="true" EnableViewState="true">
<asp:ListItem Value="Facebook" Text="<img src='/ServiceIcons/facebook.png'
title='Facebook' />" />
<asp:ListItem Value="Googleplus" Text="<img src='/ServiceIcons/googleplus.png'
title='Google+' />" />
<asp:ListItem Value="LinkedIn" Text="<img src='/ServiceIcons/linkedin.png'
title='LinkedIn' />" />
<asp:ListItem Value="RSS" Text="<img src='/ServiceIcons/rss.png' title='RSS' />" />
<asp:ListItem Value="Skype" Text="<img src='/ServiceIcons/skype.png' title='Skype' />"
And in the code behind i do this:
Private Sub Services_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Services.SelectedIndexChanged
-----Storing to database code here------
Services.Items(Services.SelectedIndex).Enabled = False
Services.Items(Services.SelectedIndex).Selected = False
End Sub
And the css class here:
.displayCheckBox input{display:none;}
After the the event does the storing in the database and the page is refreshed, the checkbox that was selected is disabled but it shows the tick/check box, and i don't want it to show it if is selected.
Any one has an idea. I have searched a lot, but it seems that the CheckBoxList control doesn't provide much costumizing options.
Thank you in advance !