
"c","","Probes Count","Counter","value","35"
"b","ProbeInformation","Probes Count","Gauge","value","0"




那是不正确匹配。我正在使用 String.matches(regexp);


2 回答 2



当我一眼看不到正则表达式的作用时,我会将其分成几行,以便更容易弄清楚发生了什么。不匹配的括号更明显,您甚至可以为其添加注释。另外,让我们在它周围添加 Java 代码,这样可以清楚地避免奇怪的东西。



String regex = "^" +
               "(\"[^,\"]*\")" +
               "(," +
                 "(\"[^,\"]*\")" +
               ")*" +
               "(." +
                 "(\"[^,\"]*\")" +
                 "(," +
                    "(\"[^,\"]*\")" +
                 ")" +
               ")*" +


final String QUOTED_VALUE = "\"[^\"]*\""; // A double quote character, zero or more non-double quote characters, and another double quote
String regex = "^" +                           // The beginning of the string
               "(" + QUOTED_VALUE + ")" +      // Capture the first value
               "(," +                          // Start a group, a comma
                 "(" + QUOTED_VALUE + ")" +    // Capture the next value
               ")*" +                          // Close the group.  Allow zero or more of these
               "(." +                          // Start a group, any character
                 "(" + QUOTED_VALUE + ")" +      // Capture another value
                 "(," +                            // Started a nested group, a comma
                    "(" + QUOTED_VALUE + ")" +     // Capture the next value
                 ")" +                             // Close the nested group
               ")*" +                            // Close the group.  Allow zero or more
               ".$";                           // Any character, the end of the input




final String QUOTED_VALUE = "\"[^\"]*\""; // A double quote character, zero or more non-double quote characters, and another double quote
final String NEWLINE = "(\n|\n\r|\r\n)";  // A newline for (almost) any OS: Windows, *NIX or Mac
String regex = "^" +                           // The beginning of the string
               "(" + QUOTED_VALUE + ")" +   // Capture the first value
               "(?:," +                       // Start a group, a comma
                 "(" + QUOTED_VALUE + ")" + // Capture the next value
               ")*" +                       // Close the group.  Allow zero or more of these
               "(?:" + NEWLINE +            // Start a group, any character
                 "(" + QUOTED_VALUE + ")" +   // Capture another value
                 "(?:," +                       // Started a nested group, a comma
                    "(" + QUOTED_VALUE + ")" +  // Capture the next value
                 ")" +                          // Close the nested group
               ")*" +                         // Close the group.  Allow zero or more
               NEWLINE + "$";                 // A trailing newline, the end of the input

从这里,我看到你再次重复工作。让我们解决这个问题。这也修复了原始正则表达式中缺少的 *。看看你能不能找到它。

final String QUOTED_VALUE = "\"[^\"]*\""; // A double quote character, zero or more non-double quote characters, and another double quote
final String NEWLINE = "(\n|\n\r|\r\n)";  // A newline for (almost) any OS: Windows, *NIX or Mac
final String LINE = "(" + QUOTED_VALUE + ")" +   // Capture the first value
                    "(?:," +                       // Start a group, a comma
                      "(" + QUOTED_VALUE + ")" + // Capture the next value
                    ")*";                        // Close the group.  Allow zero or more of these
String regex = "^" +             // The beginning of the string
               LINE +            // Read the first line, capture its values
               "(?:" + NEWLINE + // Start a group for the remaining lines
                 LINE +            // Read more lines, capture their values
               ")*" +            // Close the group.  Allow zero or more
               NEWLINE + "$";    // A trailing newline, the end of the input



1)我之前说过,换行会更容易中断。一个原因是:你如何确定每行有多少个值?硬编码它会起作用,但一旦你的输入发生变化,它就会中断。也许这对您来说不是问题,但这仍然是不好的做法。另一个原因:正则表达式仍然太复杂,我不喜欢。你真的可以在 LINE 停下来。

2) CSV 文件允许这样的行:

"some text","123",456,"some more text"


于 2012-11-21T18:40:13.710 回答

这个问题:CSV Parsing in Java指向一个用于解析 CSV 的 Apache 库

如果您的格式确实是 CSV,那么正则表达式将很难将数据解析为记录。

我知道这并不能直接回答您的问题,通过使用 CSV 库,您可能会以更少的努力获得更大的成功。

于 2012-11-21T18:38:56.973 回答