我在这里要做的是通过选择工作然后选择要搜索的标签来获取所有已申请某项工作或已被标记为某项工作的申请人。这是我正在使用的 sql 语句。

SELECT ap.user_id, ap.job_id as jobId, date(app_date) AS appDate, count(*) AS `count`   ,jt.name AS title, a.*, ap.app_id
FROM applications ap
LEFT JOIN jobs j ON ap.job_id = j.job_id
LEFT JOIN job_titles jt ON jt.name = j.title
LEFT JOIN applicants a ON a.applicant_id = ap.user_id
LEFT JOIN applicant_tags at ON at.applicant_id = ap.user_id
LEFT JOIN tags t ON t.id = at.tag_id
WHERE ap.favorite = 1
AND LOWER(jt.name) = LOWER('fisherman')
AND (LOWER(t.name) = LOWER('confident')
OR LOWER(t.name) = LOWER('hard worker'))
GROUP BY ap.app_id
HAVING `count` = '2'
ORDER BY jt.name


applicant_id | tag_id | job_id
34                0        4
34                4        0
34                0        5
32                7        0

申请人id 通过应用程序user_id 链接到应用程序,tag_id 通过标签id 链接到应用程序,job_id 通过job_titles id 链接到应用程序。tags 表和 job_titles 表中只有一个 id 和 name。


id | tag_id

job_titles 表:

id | name




app_id | user_id | job_id | app_date | favorites .....


job_id | title | location | jobtype .....

如果申请人有 job_id,则 tag_id 为 0,反之亦然。标签名称和职位名称不存储为逗号分隔值,而是存储为一行中的单个值,该值通过其申请者 ID 链接到每个申请者。jobs中的job_id是申请的职位id,不是职位名称。每个申请人可以有多个与之关联的标签和多个与其关联的职位名称。标签语句 LOWER(t.name) = LOWER(tag name) 是根据搜索中使用的标签数量添加的。我从申请人那里得到所有信息,因为这些信息和申请中调用的内容将显示在页面上。

应用程序 ap 通过 ap.job_id 链接到工作,通过 ap.applicant_id = at.applicant_id 链接到申请者标签,通过 ap.applicant_id = a.applicant_id 链接申请者。

job_titles jt 通过 jt.name = j.title 链接到工作 j 并通过 j.id = at.job_id 链接到 application_tags at

标签 t 通过 t.id = at.tag_id 链接到申请者标签


那么,我如何才能获取链接到职位名称的应用程序,而不是从作业表到 job_titles 表,而是从申请人标签表到 job_titles 表?


在重构我的 sql 语句后,我可以将它显示到它显示所有申请人但不显示任何标签的位置,如果我尝试搜索任何标签,它不会返回任何结果。

SELECT ap.user_id, jt.id as jobId, date(app_date) AS appDate, jt.name AS title,   count(*) AS `count`, at.*, a.*, ap.app_id, t.*    
FROM applications ap                                 
INNER JOIN applicants a ON ap.user_id = a.applicant_id
LEFT JOIN applicant_tags at ON at.applicant_id = a.applicant_id
LEFT JOIN tags t ON at.tag_id = t.id
LEFT JOIN job_titles jt ON at.job_id = jt.id
WHERE ap.favorite = '1'
AND LOWER(jt.name) = LOWER('fisherman')
GROUP BY ap.app_id
HAVING `count` = '1'
ORDER BY jt.name

2 回答 2


我发现了如何做到这一点。我不得不使用带有 IN 子句的子查询:

SELECT ap.user_id, jt.id as jobId, date(app_date) AS appDate, jt.name AS title, count(*) AS `count`, at.*, a.*,ap.app_id
FROM applications ap
LEFT JOIN jobs j ON ap.job_id = j.job_id
LEFT JOIN job_titles jt ON jt.name = j.title
LEFT JOIN applicants a ON a.applicant_id = ap.user_id
LEFT JOIN applicant_tags at ON at.applicant_id = ap.user_id
LEFT JOIN tags t ON t.id = at.tag_id
WHERE ap.favorite = 1
    LOWER(jt.name) = LOWER('fisherman') OR 'fisherman' IN(SELECT jt.name FROM applicant_tags at 
    LEFT JOIN job_titles jt ON at.job_id = jt.id 
    WHERE at.applicant_id = a.applicant_id))
AND (LOWER(t.name) = LOWER('confident')
    OR LOWER(t.name) = LOWER('hard worker'))
GROUP BY ap.app_id
HAVING `count` = '2'
ORDER BY jt.name


于 2012-11-23T12:56:35.267 回答

我会看看嵌套查询,在另一个说明中......这可以在下面找到...... http://www.felixgers.de/teaching/sql/sql_nested_queries.html

对于这个查询,如果您将所有申请人信息包装到一个单一的聚合表中会更容易。然后将作业 id 的东西加入另一个表,或使用原始表,适当地添加索引,这样它就不会超时,并且繁荣......更容易。

SELECT ap.user_id, ap.job_id as jobId, date(app_date) AS appDate, count(*) AS `count` ,jt.name AS title, `a.*` -- a.* is this necessary? It would help if you were explicit
FROM applications ap
LEFT JOIN jobs j ON ap.job_id = j.job_id --take all items from applications and puta  jobid to them
LEFT JOIN job_titles jt ON jt.name = j.title -- now you are trying to add a title to job from ANOTHER table while retaining all records from applications
LEFT JOIN applicants a ON a.applicant_id = ap.user_id --then you want the applicant that matches the criteria to each application record
LEFT JOIN applicant_tags at ON at.applicant_id = ap.user_id
LEFT JOIN tags t ON t.id = at.tag_id
WHERE ap.favorite = 1
AND LOWER(jt.name) = LOWER('fisherman')
AND (LOWER(t.name) = LOWER('confident')
OR LOWER(t.name) = LOWER('hard worker')) 
GROUP BY ap.app_id -- how are you grouping by something that is not being called?
HAVING `count` = '2' -- They need to have two records, does not matter if they are the same
ORDER BY jt.name -- This is fine





Applys_tags 将标签加入到 sample_tags 标签作业中 - 将其与 job_titles 加入作业表

于 2012-11-21T17:34:47.550 回答