我无法将我的解决方案放在一个答案中,因为它超出了大小限制。 这是我回答的第 1 部分。 我已将一段代码移至第二个答案。
这是一个 VBA 解决方案。你给出了一个很好的规范,所以我相信这将接近你的要求。我希望我已经包含了足够的评论,以便您进行最终调整。如果没有,请问。
在 Outlook 中,打开 VBA 编辑器,插入一个模块并将第一个代码块复制到其中。您还需要单击Tools
then References
。“Microsoft Excel nn.n 对象库”是否在顶部附近,是否打勾?如果未勾选,您必须滚动完成列表,找到此参考并勾选它。“nn.n”的值取决于您使用的 Excel 版本。只有当您安装了多个版本的 Excel 时,您才有选择的余地。
如果您的 Outlook 安装与我的一样,您将拥有文件夹Personal Folders、Archive Folders,也许还有其他文件夹。在个人文件夹中,您将拥有标准文件夹收件箱、发件箱等。您可能在这些标准文件夹中添加了自己的文件夹,或者您可能已将它们添加到个人文件夹中。在我自己的系统上,我有各种文件夹,包括!Family和!Tony。每个都包含子文件夹和!Tony中的子文件夹之一是Amazon。
Call FindInterestingFolders(FolderList, True, False, "|", _
"Personal Folders|!Family", "Personal Folders|!Tony|Amazon")
返回有关这两个文件夹以及它们可能拥有的任何子文件夹或子子文件夹的信息。您必须将这两个名称替换为您要搜索的文件夹。如果 20 个文件夹都在一个父级下,您可以指定该单个父级。如果 20 个文件夹分散,您可能必须指定所有 20 个文件夹的名称。
第一个宏将 . 找到的所有文件夹的名称输出到即时窗口FindInterestingFolders
Personal Folders|!Family|Chloe & Euan
Personal Folders|!Family|Geoff
Personal Folders|!Family|Lucy & Mark
Personal Folders|!Tony|Amazon
Personal Folders|!Tony|Amazon|Trueshopping Ltd
将此宏复制到您在上面创建的模块中并使用它,直到您创建一个包含 20 个要搜索的文件夹的列表。
Sub ExtractHyperLinks1()
' Outputs a sorted list of interesting folders to the Immediate Window.
Dim FolderList() As MAPIFolderDtl
Dim InxFL As Long
' Set FolderList to a list of interesting folders.
' The True means a folder has to containing mail items to be interesting.
' The False means I am uninterested in meeting items.
' The "|" defines the name separator used in the list of folder names
' that follow.
Call FindInterestingFolders(FolderList, True, False, "|", _
"Personal Folders|!Family", "Personal Folders|!Tony|Amazon")
For InxFL = LBound(FolderList) To UBound(FolderList)
With FolderList(InxFL)
Debug.Print .NameParent & "|" & .Folder.Name
End With
End Sub
宏 2 建立在宏 1 的基础上。它在有趣的文件夹中搜索带有 Html 正文的邮件项目。对于每个 Html 正文,它会搜索锚标记并将每个标记和接下来的 58 个字符输出到即时窗口。即时窗口仅显示最后 200 行左右,因此您可能只能看到输出的底部。这没关系;这个想法是让您先看看宏可以看到什么。在我的系统上,输出结束:
Tony Dallimore 13/02/2012 15:42:00 RE: Product details enquiry from Amazon customer ...
<A HREF="mailto:16dhtcxlxwbh7fx@marketplace.amazon.co.uk">ma
<A HREF="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/display.ht
<A HREF="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/display.ht
Trueshopping Ltd - Amazon Marketplace 14/02/2012 09:08:39 RE: Product details enquiry ...
<A HREF="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/display.ht
<A HREF="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/display.ht
Sub ExtractHyperLinks2()
' Gets a list of interesting folders.
' Searches the list for mail items with Html bodies that contain an anchor.
' For each such mail item it outputs to the Immediate Window:
' Name of folder (if not already output for an earlier mail item)
' Sender ReceivedTime Subject
' First 60 characters of first anchor
' First 60 characters of second anchor
' First 60 characters of third anchor
Dim FolderList() As MAPIFolderDtl
Dim FolderNameOutput As Boolean
Dim InxFL As Long
Dim InxItem As Long
Dim PosAnchor As Long
Call FindInterestingFolders(FolderList, True, False, "|", _
"Personal Folders|!Family", "Personal Folders|!Tony|Amazon")
For InxFL = LBound(FolderList) To UBound(FolderList)
FolderNameOutput = False
With FolderList(InxFL).Folder
For InxItem = 1 To .Items.Count
With .Items.Item(InxItem)
If .Class = olMail Then
If .HtmlBody <> "" Then
' This mail item has an Html body so might have a hyperlink.
If InStr(1, LCase(.HtmlBody), "<a ") <> 0 Then
' It has at least one anchor
If Not FolderNameOutput Then
Debug.Print FolderList(InxFL).NameParent & "|" & _
FolderNameOutput = True
End If
Debug.Print " " & .SenderName & " " & _
.ReceivedTime & " " & .Subject
PosAnchor = InStr(1, LCase(.HtmlBody), "<a ")
Do While PosAnchor <> 0
Debug.Print " " & Mid(.HtmlBody, PosAnchor, 60)
PosAnchor = InStr(PosAnchor + 1, LCase(.HtmlBody), "<a ")
End If
End If
End If
End With
End With
End Sub
我再次希望这很容易。我不确定下一个宏有多大用处。这是我开发的一个步骤,但它没有包含在最终宏中不重要的内容。可能值得您研究它,因为最终的宏将与宏 2 相比有两个重要的变化。
宏 3 所做的是从锚标记中提取 URL,并丢弃那些以“mailto:”开头的 URL。Html 允许的变化比我所允许的要多,因为我从未见过利用这种灵活性的电子邮件。如果您的电子邮件与我的预期不同,您可能必须增强我的代码。您只需要每封电子邮件中的一个 URL,因此您可能希望添加代码以丢弃其他 URL。
Tony Dallimore 13/02/2012 15:42:00 RE: Product details enquiry from ...
Trueshopping Ltd - Amazon Marketplace 14/02/2012 09:08:39 RE: Product ...
Sub ExtractHyperLinks3()
' Gets a list of interesting folders.
' Searches the list for mail items with Html bodies that contain an
' acceptable anchor. An acceptable anchor is one for which the url
' does not start "mailto:".
' For each acceptable anchor it outputs to the Immediate Window:
' Name of folder (if not already output for an earlier mail item)
' Sender ReceivedTime Subject (if not already output)
' Url from acceptable anchor
Dim FolderList() As MAPIFolderDtl
Dim FolderNameOutput As Boolean
Dim InxFL As Long
Dim InxItem As Long
Dim ItemHeaderOutput As Boolean
Dim LcHtmlBody As String
Dim PosAnchor As Long
Dim PosTrailingQuote As Long
Dim PosUrl As Long
Dim Quote As String
Dim Url As String
Call FindInterestingFolders(FolderList, True, False, "|", _
"Personal Folders|!Family", "Personal Folders|!Tony|Amazon")
For InxFL = LBound(FolderList) To UBound(FolderList)
FolderNameOutput = False
With FolderList(InxFL).Folder
For InxItem = 1 To .Items.Count
ItemHeaderOutput = False
With .Items.Item(InxItem)
If .Class = olMail Then
If .HtmlBody <> "" Then
' This mail item has an Html body so might contain hyperlinks.
LcHtmlBody = LCase(.HtmlBody)
If InStr(1, LcHtmlBody, "<a ") <> 0 Then
' It has at least one anchor
PosAnchor = InStr(1, LCase(.HtmlBody), "<a ")
Do While PosAnchor <> 0
PosUrl = InStr(PosAnchor, LcHtmlBody, "href=")
PosUrl = PosUrl + 5
Quote = Mid(LcHtmlBody, PosUrl, 1) ' Extract quote used in html
PosUrl = PosUrl + 1
PosTrailingQuote = InStr(PosUrl, LcHtmlBody, Quote)
Url = Mid(.HtmlBody, PosUrl, PosTrailingQuote - PosUrl)
If Left(LCase(Url), 7) <> "mailto:" Then
' I am interested in this url
If Not FolderNameOutput Then
Debug.Print FolderList(InxFL).NameParent & "|" & _
FolderNameOutput = True
End If
If Not ItemHeaderOutput Then
Debug.Print " " & .SenderName & " " & _
.ReceivedTime & " " & .Subject
ItemHeaderOutput = True
End If
Debug.Print " " & Url
End If
PosAnchor = InStr(PosTrailingQuote, LCase(.HtmlBody), "<a ")
End If
End If
End If
End With
End With
End Sub
Const WkBkPathFile As String = "C:\DataArea\Play\Combined 10 V02.xls"
Const WkShtName As String = "URLs"
我的工作表中有四列:文件夹名称、发件人名称、接收时间和 URL。第三列包含完整的日期和时间,但我将其格式化为仅显示一个短日期。您的问题中没有任何内容表明您想要这些额外的列。我认为值得展示您可以做什么,如果代码不有趣,您可以删除代码。
我确实认为您需要对 Received Time 做一些事情。除非您将已处理的电子邮件移出 20 个文件夹,否则每次运行宏都会再次添加完整的 URL 集。有许多技术可以不再处理电子邮件。例如,您可以将用户类别添加到已处理的电子邮件中。但是,我怀疑最简单的方法是:
- 将隐藏的工作表添加到工作簿。
- 将此工作表的单元格 A1 设置为“最新处理的电子邮件”,并将 B1 设置为 2000 年 1 月 1 日。
- 添加到丢弃无趣电子邮件的代码中,测试在此日期/时间之后的 Received 时间。
- 记录任何已处理电子邮件的最新接收时间。
- 将任何已处理电子邮件的最新接收时间写入隐藏工作表的单元格 B1。
Sub ExtractHyperLinks()
' Open destination workbook.
' Find last used row in destination worksheet.
' Gets a list of interesting folders.
' Searches the list for mail items with Html bodies that contain an
' acceptable anchor. An acceptable anchor is one for which the url
' does not start "mailto:".
' For each acceptable anchor it outputs to the workbook:
' Column 1 := Name of folder
' Column 2 := Sender
' Column 3 := ReceivedTime
' Column 4 := Url
Dim ExcelWkBk As Excel.Workbook
Dim FolderList() As MAPIFolderDtl
Dim FolderName As String
Dim InterestingURL As Boolean
Dim InxOutput As Long
Dim InxFL As Long
Dim InxItem As Long
Dim ItemCrnt As MailItem
Dim LcHtmlBody As String
Dim OutputValue(1 To 50, 1 To 4)
Dim PosAnchor As Long
Dim PosTrailingQuote As Long
Dim PosUrl As Long
Dim Quote As String
Dim RowNext As Long
Dim TargetAddr As String
Dim Url As String
' Replace constant value with path and file name of your workbook.
Const WkBkPathFile As String = "C:\DataArea\Play\Combined 10 V02.xls"
Const WkShtName As String = "URLs"
Set ExcelWkBk = Application.CreateObject("Excel.Application"). _
With ExcelWkBk
.Application.Visible = True ' Slows the macro but helps during testing
With .Worksheets(WkShtName)
' Find last used row in destination worksheet by going to bottom of sheet
' then moving up until a non-empty row is found then going down one.
' .End(xlUp) is VBA equivalent of Ctrl+Up.
RowNext = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
End With
End With
Call FindInterestingFolders(FolderList, True, False, "|", _
"Personal Folders|!Family", "Personal Folders|!Tony|Amazon")
InxOutput = 0
For InxFL = LBound(FolderList) To UBound(FolderList)
FolderName = FolderList(InxFL).NameParent & "|" & FolderList(InxFL).Folder.Name
With FolderList(InxFL).Folder
For InxItem = 1 To .Items.Count
With .Items.Item(InxItem)
If .Class = olMail Then
If .HtmlBody <> "" Then
' This mail item has an Html body so might contain hyperlinks.
LcHtmlBody = LCase(.HtmlBody)
If InStr(1, LcHtmlBody, "<a ") <> 0 Then
' It has at least one anchor
PosAnchor = InStr(1, LCase(.HtmlBody), "<a ")
Do While PosAnchor <> 0
PosUrl = InStr(PosAnchor, LcHtmlBody, "href=")
PosUrl = PosUrl + 5
Quote = Mid(LcHtmlBody, PosUrl, 1) ' Extract quote used in html
PosUrl = PosUrl + 1
PosTrailingQuote = InStr(PosUrl, LcHtmlBody, Quote)
Url = Mid(.HtmlBody, PosUrl, PosTrailingQuote - PosUrl)
InterestingURL = True ' Assume interesting until find otherwise
If Left(LCase(Url), 7) = "mailto:" Then
InterestingURL = False
End If
' **********************************************************
' Set InterestingURL = False for any other urls you want
' to reject. If you can tell a URL is ininteresting by
' looking at it, you can use code like mine.
' **********************************************************
If InterestingURL Then
' This URL and supporting data is to be output to the
' workbook.
' Rather than output data to the workbook cell by cell,
' which can be slow, I build it up in the array
' OutputValue(1 to 50, 1 To 4). It is normal in a 2D array
' for the first dimension to be for columns and the second
' for rows. Arrays to be read from or written to a worksheet
' are the other way round. You can resize the second
' dimension of a dynamic array but not the first so you
' cannot resize an array being built for a workbook. I
' cannot resize the array so I have fixed its size at
' compile time.
' This code fills the array, writes it out to the workbook
' and resets the array index. I have 50 rows because I
' wanted to test the filling and refilling of the array. I
' would suggest you make it bigger.
InxOutput = InxOutput + 1
If InxOutput > UBound(OutputValue, 1) Then
' Array is fill. Output it to workbook
TargetAddr = "A" & RowNext & ":D" & _
RowNext + UBound(OutputValue, 1) - 1
ExcelWkBk.Worksheets(WkShtName). _
Range(TargetAddr).Value = OutputValue
RowNext = RowNext + 50
InxOutput = 1
End If
OutputValue(InxOutput, 1) = FolderName
OutputValue(InxOutput, 2) = .SenderName
OutputValue(InxOutput, 3) = .ReceivedTime
OutputValue(InxOutput, 4) = Url
End If
PosAnchor = InStr(PosTrailingQuote, LCase(.HtmlBody), "<a")
End If
End If
End If
End With
End With
ExcelWkBk.Save ' Save changes over the top of the original file.
ExcelWkBk.Close (False) ' Don't save changes
Set ExcelWkBk = Nothing ' Release resource
End Sub