
当我打开表单并选择 Beans 时,一切都完美地显示出来了!我可以排序或显示所有,这很好。我可以切换到 Corn 并执行相同操作,但是当我尝试切换回 Beans 时,Average 文本框会显示 #Error。如果我打开表单并先转到 Corn,然后是 Beans 并返回 Corn,Corn 两次都可以,但 beans 不起作用。Beans 仅当它是表单上打开的第一个东西时才会起作用,并且会继续工作,直到您选择另一个产品。无论如何,玉米和萝卜都可以,但是当我切换回 Beans 时,我再次收到 #Error。


这是代码的一部分....此代码位于其各自按钮的 OnClick 事件中


Me.Label2.Caption = "Moisture"
Me.Label3.Caption = "Starch"
Me.Label4.Caption = "Protein"
Me.Label5.Caption = "Fat"
Me.Text2.ControlSource = " Moisture "
Me.Text3.ControlSource = " Starch "
Me.Text4.ControlSource = " Protein "
Me.Text5.ControlSource = " Fat "
Me.Text12.ControlSource = "=Avg([Moisture])"
Me.Text13.ControlSource = "=Avg([Starch])"
Me.Text14.ControlSource = "=Avg([Protein])"
Me.Text15.ControlSource = "=Avg([Fat])"
Me.RecordSource = "SELECT SampleID.DateCreated, SampleID.SampleLocationID, PertenData.Moisture, PertenData.Starch, PertenData.Protein, PertenData.Fat FROM SampleID INNER JOIN PertenData ON SampleID.SampleID = PertenData.PertenSampleID WHERE ((SampleID.SampleLocationID)=21) ORDER BY SampleID.DateCreated DESC"


Me.Label2.Caption = "Moisture"
Me.Label3.Caption = "Starch"
Me.Label4.Caption = "Protein"
Me.Label5.Caption = "Color"
Me.Text2.ControlSource = " Moisture "
Me.Text3.ControlSource = " Starch "
Me.Text4.ControlSource = " Protein "
Me.Text5.ControlSource = " Color"
Me.Text12.ControlSource = "=Avg([Moisture])"
Me.Text13.ControlSource = "=Avg([Starch])"
Me.Text14.ControlSource = "=Avg([Protein])"
Me.Text15.ControlSource = "=Avg([Color])"
Me.RecordSource = "SELECT SampleID.DateCreated, SampleID.SampleLocationID, PertenData.Moisture, PertenData.Starch, PertenData.Protein, PertenData.Color FROM SampleID INNER JOIN PertenData ON SampleID.SampleID = PertenData.PertenSampleID WHERE ((SampleID.SampleLocationID)=35) ORDER BY SampleID.DateCreated DESC"

2 回答 2


Based on the comments...
I would move all the code to one sub and call that sub with a string parameter (Corn or Beans or Radishes) this will help you to narrow down what the bug is in the now Radish button code and will enable easier maintenance later on.

于 2012-11-21T15:25:36.637 回答

该问题与绑定的文本框直接相关。我的不同样本需要显示不同数量的数据类别,但是通过将文本框的可见属性设置为 false 仍然会导致可见文本框出现问题。要将文本框设置回“未绑定”,我使用了

Me.text5.ControlSource = Empty

将文本框更改回未绑定状态后,然后将它们重新绑定到您的新控件源。这已经永久地停止了这个问题。我现在有 5 种产品,这 5 种产品的任何组合都完美无缺。感谢大家的帮助。

于 2012-11-21T18:19:22.003 回答