I have succesfully integrated Sharekit in my application.All I want is to post One image with a description of my app to facebook and twitter wall. I am able to get it in twitter but i am facing a problem with facebook.I am getting a page with saying The iOS bundle ID is missing from app's Facebook iOS settings.and i am struck there.the page also says you have already authorised App.press Okay to continue.and that Okay is directing to a blank page.


3 回答 3


您不能使用 ShareKit 在 facebook 上发帖,您可以使用 FBConnect 进行此操作,请查看以下链接

github 示例代码

于 2012-11-21T10:48:26.360 回答

您需要使用SLComposeViewController查看本教程:如何在 iOS6 中使用内置的 Facebook/Twitter API。

于 2012-11-21T13:19:33.953 回答

您需要在 developer.facebook.com 重新注册您的应用程序,然后,当您生成 appId 后,在 shareKit 设置文件中键入它

于 2012-11-21T11:05:27.843 回答