我对编码很陌生,对vb的了解有限。我试图在 java 中掌握这些知识,并试图创建一个简单的搜索 java 程序,该程序根据输入和输出信息搜索数组,以帮助了解循环和多维数组。
package beers.mdarray;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ProductTest
public static void main(String[] arg)
String [][] beer = { {"TIGER", "2"}, {"BECKS", "2"}, {"STELLA", "3"} }; //creating the 2 by 3 array with names of beer and their corresponding stock levels.
System.out.print("What beer do you want to find the stock of?: ");
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
String beerQ = sc.next(); // asking the user to input the beer name
int tempNum = 1;
if (!beerQ.equals(beer[tempNum][1]))
tempNum = tempNum + 1; //locating he location of the beer name in the array using a loop to check each part of the array.
System.out.println(beer[tempNum][2]); //printing the corresponding stock.
What beer do you want to find the stock of?: BECKS
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2
at beers.mdarray.ProductTest.main(ProductTest.java:20)