
用户应该登录到网络应用程序,选择一个文件,网络应用程序应该生成一个 .torrent 文件和一个私人跟踪器(http://IP_ADDRESS:PORT_NUMBER/announce)用于该 .torrent 文件。

基本上,我想在服务器端以编程方式创建一个 .torrent 文件。

我找到了两个库mktorrentpy3createtorrent,但我需要有关如何从 Django Web 应用程序创建 torrent 的帮助。

对于可以做到这一点的 Django 模块或库有什么建议吗?



1 回答 1


安装 mktorrent 并运行mktorrent -h

mktorrent 1.0 (c) 2007, 2009 Emil Renner Berthing

Usage: mktorrent [OPTIONS] <target directory or filename>

-a, --announce=<url>[,<url>]* : specify the full announce URLs
                                at least one is required
                                additional -a adds backup trackers
-c, --comment=<comment>       : add a comment to the metainfo
-d, --no-date                 : don't write the creation date
-h, --help                    : show this help screen
-l, --piece-length=<n>        : set the piece length to 2^n bytes,
                                default is 18, that is 2^18 = 256kb
-n, --name=<name>             : set the name of the torrent
                                default is the basename of the target
-o, --output=<filename>       : set the path and filename of the created file
                                default is <name>.torrent
-p, --private                 : set the private flag
-t, --threads=<n>             : use <n> threads for calculating hashes
                                default is 2
-v, --verbose                 : be verbose
-w, --web-seed=<url>[,<url>]* : add web seed URLs
                                additional -w adds more URLs

Please send bug reports, patches, feature requests, praise and
general gossip about the program to: esmil@users.sourceforge.net
于 2012-11-21T08:56:30.523 回答