在 C++ 中使用 Static_cast 向下转换



4 回答 4





必要性是因为如果没有强制转换,即使您确定指向基类的指针包含派生类,也不允许调用派生类的任何方法(但编译器无法验证它) )。

于 2012-11-21T03:45:56.930 回答


so heres an example:

say you have a factory (an animal factory) that you can send it a string or an enum of what type of object you want...

"Hey Animal Factory, give me a 'Dog'"

there are two ways to write your factory...

You could write a function for every animal like so (good programmers dont do this):

  • Dog* GetDog();
  • Cat* GetCat();
  • Etc

or you could write a factory with one function like so (dont think about generics for now):

  • Animal* GetAnimal(string animalType);

You know that Animal is actually a dog or cat so you can typecast it to what you need it to be WHEN you need to access the members of Dog or Cat...

My Favorite thing to do in C++ is the temporary cast to get into something (excuse my C++ its rusty)

Animal* myAnimal = Factory.GetAnimal("Dog");
int barkVolume = ((Dog*)myAnimal).BarkVolume;
于 2012-11-21T04:09:04.430 回答

Imagine you have a base class Animal and two derived classes, Cat and Dog.

// Assume methods are public.
class Animal { virtual void Attack(); }
class Dog : public Animal { void Meow(); }
class Cat : public Animal { void Bark(); }

We can use base class pointers to reference our derived objects. This helps as we can now contain them as the same type.

Animal* myCat = new Cat;
Animal* myDog = newDog;
std::vector<Animal*> myAnimals;

This is useful, as we can call base member functions all all kinds of animals, regardless of their derived class types.

// Call Attack() on every cat and dog.
for_each(myAnimals.begin(), myAnimals.end(), [](auto& e) { e->Attack(); });

You can use dynamic casting to test if one of the base pointers can be converted into a derived class pointer.

Cat* realCat = dynamic_cast<Cat*> myAnimals[0]; // Success. Pointer is valid.
Cat* fakeCat = dynamic_cast<Cat*> myAnimals[1]; // Failure, it's not a cat. NULL.

You can now call your member methods, such as Meow() from the derived class pointers. This was not possible before, as Animal does not have these methods.

realCat->Meow(); // Valid.
myCat->Meow(); // Animal*, there is not Meow() method.
于 2012-11-21T04:10:10.373 回答


于 2012-11-21T03:46:04.943 回答