You can work around this by giving it an onmousemove event that determines whether or not that coordinate is actually inside the trapezoid and adds/removes the onclick event accordingly. Something like this:
<figure id ="trapezoid" onmousemove="trapezoidMouseMove(event)">
function trapezoidClick(e)
//Whatever you need it to do
function trapezoidMouseMove(e)
//Fill in the angle of your trapezoid
angle = Math.PI / 4;
insideLeft = e.offsetX > Math.tan(angle) * e.offsetY;
insideRight = e.offsetX < e.toElement.offsetWidth - Math.tan(angle) * e.offsetY;
if (insideLeft && insideRight)
{ = "pointer";
e.toElement.onclick = trapezoidClick;
}else{ = "default";
e.toElement.onclick = null;