与 UpdatePanel 控件不兼容的控件
以下 ASP.NET 控件与部分页面更新不兼容,因此在 UpdatePanel 控件中不受支持:
1. TreeView and Menu controls.
2. Web Parts controls. For more information, see ASP.NET Web Parts Controls.
3. FileUpload controls when they are used to upload files as part of an asynchronous postback.
4. GridView and DetailsView controls when their EnableSortingAndPagingCallbacks property is set to true. The default is false.
5. Login, PasswordRecovery, ChangePassword, and CreateUserWizard controls whose contents have not been converted to editable templates.
6. The Substitution control.
7. Validation controls, which includes the BaseCompareValidator, BaseValidator, CompareValidator, CustomValidator, RangeValidator, RegularExpressionValidator, RequiredFieldValidator, and ValidationSummary control.
对于您的类型信息,请检查 FileUpload1.hasfile 它在更新面板中使用时将始终返回 false。