我正在尝试验证我网站上的代码,但我遇到了无法摆脱的恼人错误。 这是源代码:
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<em>Rising Cupcakes | Fairystreet 182st | 4500 Wonderland | Tel. +88 21 45 65</em>
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<p class="first">Welcome to <b>"Cupcake Lovers"!</b>
We have opened this homepage to introduce you to Celina's 6 most famous cupcake recipes.
Celina's recipes follow the principle of being easy to make, beautiful to look at, and delicious to eat!
If like Celina, cupcakes are your passion, then go learn about the history of cupcakes or join our
newsletter and get updates about what's going on in the world of cupcakes.
Don't forget to sign our guestbook!
Happy baking,
<em>Celina's cupcakes for Cupcake Lovers</em>
验证器说: 第 3 行,第 1 列:没有文档类型声明;将在没有验证的情况下解析(如果我放入这个文件,那么它会验证一大堆错误)第 19 行,第 3 列:实例中不允许“DOCTYPE”声明第 20 行,第 6 列:文档类型不允许元素“HTML “ 这里
但问题是我没有使用任何像 fx 这样的 html 标签。在这些文件中,我只是让 php 文件为我生成它。
我的 index.php 看起来像这样:
include "magic-1.4.php";
include "background.php";
$page = new Page();
$title = "Cupcake Lovers";
$href = "styles.css";
$wrapper = html("div")->id("mainWrapper");
$content = html("div")->id("allContent");
$section = new HtmlElm("section");
$request = new Controller();
$requestedPage = $request->get("page");
$requestedPage = 'home';
//convert the page object to HTML and echo it to browser echo
所以我的问题是,我做错了什么,因为 php 生成了 3 个 html 页面,然后它验证真的错了。