我在 SQL Server 中有一个问题。我有下表:

ROUTES = the route ID
STATIONS = the station ID
ORDER = the order the train pass from the stations
STOPS? = if the train stops at this station then is equal to 1 otherwise 0


R1          S1          1           1
R1          S2          2           1
R1          S3          3           1
R1          S4          4           1
R1          S5          5           1
R2          S2          1           1
R2          S3          2           1
R2          S4          3           1
R3          S1          1           1
R3          S2          2           1
R3          S7          3           1
R3          S4          4           1
R3          S5          5           1
R3          S6          6           1
R4          S1          1           1
R4          S2          2           1
R4          S3          3           0
R4          S4          4           1
R5          S2          1           1
R5          S3          2           0
R5          S4          3           1
R6          S3          1           1
R6          S4          2           0
R6          S5          3           0
R6          S6          4           1
R7          S2          1           1
R7          S3          2           0
R7          S4          3           0
R7          S5          4           1


R1: S1-S2-S3-S4-S5
R2: S2-S3-S4
R3: S1-S2-S7-S4-S5-S6
R4: S1-S2-S3-S4
R5: S2-S3-S4
R6: S3-S4-S5-S6
R7: S2-S3-S4-S5

假设 S2 和 S4 是连接站

这意味着如果一条路线上的火车停在那里(STOPS = 1),乘客可以下车并从另一条路线乘坐另一辆火车



我的问题是如何获得所有可能的路线组合,例如从 S1 站出发并到达 S5 站。乘客可以根据上面的数据改变路线,我们应该得到以下结果(路线):

R1:     S1-S2-S3-S4-S5
R3:     S1-S2-S7-S4-S5
temp1:  S1-S2(from R1)-S7-S4-S5(from R3)
temp2:  S1-S2(from R3)-S3-S4(from R1)-S5(from R3)
temp3:  S1-S2-S3-S4(from R1)-S5(from R3)



Station A   Station B   Distance
S1          S2          5
S2          S3          1
S2          S7          8
S3          S4          15
S4          S5          16
S5          S6          25
S7          S4          10

2 回答 2



select sroute, sstation, sorder, eroute, estation, eorder
 (select route as sroute, station as sstation, order as sorder
  from path
  where station = "s1" and stops = 1) pstart inner join
 (select route as eroute, station as estation, order as eorder
  from path
  where station = "s5" and stops = 1) pend on
 pstart.sroute = pend.eroute) direct


SELECT sroute, sstation, sorder, 
        croute, cstation, corder,
        oroute, ostation, oorder,
        p.route , p.station, p.ORDER
    (SELECT sroute, sstation, sorder, 
                     croute, cstation, corder, 
                     p.route AS oroute, p.station AS ostation, p.ORDER AS oorder
         (SELECT sroute, sstation, sorder, 
                 p.route AS croute, p.station AS cstation, p.ORDER AS corder
              (SELECT route AS sroute, station AS sstation, ORDER AS sorder
               FROM path
               WHERE station = "s1" AND stops = 1
               ) pstart INNER JOIN
               path p ON 
               pstart.route = p.route INNER JOIN 
               conn_stations c ON 
               p.station = c.station
          WHERE p.stops = 1
          ) conn INNER JOIN 
          path p ON 
          conn.cstation = p.station
          WHERE p.stops = 1 AND p.route <> conn.route 
      ) conn_off INNER JOIN
        path p ON 
        conn_off.oroute = p.route
WHERE p.stops = 1 AND p.station = "s5"



于 2012-11-20T19:22:29.847 回答

我认为在您的示例数据中有 39 条从S1to的路线S5(如果我的查询正确的话)。我不一定相信 SQL 是这项工作的正确工具(特别是如果根据评论,路由变成双向的)。


declare @StartStation char(2)
declare @EndStation char(2)
select @StartStation = 'S1'
select @EndStation = 'S5'

;With PartialRoutes as (
    select Route,Station,CONVERT(varchar(max),Station) as CurrentPath,RouteOrder,1 as HasTransferred,CONVERT(varchar(max),Route) as RoutesTaken,Stop
        @Routes r
        r.Station = @StartStation and r.Stop = 1
    union all
    --Continue on current route
    select pr.Route,r.Station,pr.CurrentPath + '-' + r.Station,r.RouteOrder,0,RoutesTaken,r.Stop
        PartialRoutes pr
            inner join
        @Routes r
                pr.Route = r.Route and
                pr.RouteOrder = r.RouteOrder - 1
    union all
    select r.Route,r.Station,pr.CurrentPath,r.RouteOrder,1,RoutesTaken + '-' + r.Station + '(' + pr.Route + ',' + r.Route + ')',r.Stop
        PartialRoutes pr
            inner join
        @Connections c
                pr.Station = c.Station
            inner join
        @Routes r
                pr.Route != r.Route and
                pr.Station = r.Station
        pr.HasTransferred = 0 --Prevents us transferring multiple times in a single station
            and r.Stop = 1
select * from PartialRoutes where Station = @EndStation and Stop=1 option (MAXRECURSION 0)


Route Station CurrentPath         RouteOrder  HasTransferred RoutesTaken
----- ------- ------------------- ----------- -------------- --------------------------
R7    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      4           0              R4-S2(R4,R7)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R4-S2(R4,R7)-S4(R7,R3)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R4-S2(R4,R7)-S4(R7,R1)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R4-S2(R4,R5)-S4(R5,R3)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R4-S2(R4,R5)-S4(R5,R1)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S7-S4-S5      5           0              R4-S2(R4,R3)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S7-S4-S5      5           0              R4-S2(R4,R3)-S4(R3,R1)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R4-S2(R4,R2)-S4(R2,R3)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R4-S2(R4,R2)-S4(R2,R1)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R4-S2(R4,R1)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R4-S2(R4,R1)-S4(R1,R3)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R4-S4(R4,R3)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R4-S4(R4,R1)
R7    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      4           0              R3-S2(R3,R7)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R3-S2(R3,R7)-S4(R7,R3)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R3-S2(R3,R7)-S4(R7,R1)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R3-S2(R3,R5)-S4(R5,R3)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R3-S2(R3,R5)-S4(R5,R1)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R3-S2(R3,R4)-S4(R4,R3)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R3-S2(R3,R4)-S4(R4,R1)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R3-S2(R3,R2)-S4(R2,R3)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R3-S2(R3,R2)-S4(R2,R1)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R3-S2(R3,R1)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R3-S2(R3,R1)-S4(R1,R3)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S7-S4-S5      5           0              R3
R1    S5      S1-S2-S7-S4-S5      5           0              R3-S4(R3,R1)
R7    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      4           0              R1-S2(R1,R7)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R1-S2(R1,R7)-S4(R7,R3)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R1-S2(R1,R7)-S4(R7,R1)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R1-S2(R1,R5)-S4(R5,R3)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R1-S2(R1,R5)-S4(R5,R1)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R1-S2(R1,R4)-S4(R4,R3)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R1-S2(R1,R4)-S4(R4,R1)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S7-S4-S5      5           0              R1-S2(R1,R3)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S7-S4-S5      5           0              R1-S2(R1,R3)-S4(R3,R1)
R3    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R1-S2(R1,R2)-S4(R2,R3)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R1-S2(R1,R2)-S4(R2,R1)
R1    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R1
R3    S5      S1-S2-S3-S4-S5      5           0              R1-S4(R1,R3)

我在末尾添加了一个列,显示了遵循的路线,例如R4-S2(R4,R7)-S4(R7,R6),表示他们从 route 开始R4,然后在S2他们转移到 route R7,然后在S4他们转移到 route R6




declare @Routes table (Route char(2) not null, Station char(2) not null,RouteOrder int not null,Stop bit not null)
insert into @Routes (Route,Station,RouteOrder,Stop) values

declare @Connections table (Station char(2) not null)
insert into @Connections (Station) values ('S2'),('S4')
于 2012-11-21T07:35:39.087 回答