这是一个不错的小脑筋急转弯。我认为这段代码可能能够为您指明正确的方向。请记住,这填充了 a Dictionary<string, string>
Dictionary<string, string> allTheThings = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public void ReadIt()
// Open the file into a streamreader
using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader("text_path_here.txt"))
while (!sr.EndOfStream) // Keep reading until we get to the end
string splitMe = sr.ReadLine();
string[] bananaSplits = splitMe.Split(new char[] { ':' }); //Split at the colons
if (bananaSplits.Length < 2) // If we get less than 2 results, discard them
else if (bananaSplits.Length == 2) // Easy part. If there are 2 results, add them to the dictionary
allTheThings.Add(bananaSplits[0].Trim(), bananaSplits[1].Trim());
else if (bananaSplits.Length > 2)
SplitItGood(splitMe, allTheThings); // Hard part. If there are more than 2 results, use the method below.
public void SplitItGood(string stringInput, Dictionary<string, string> dictInput)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
List<string> fish = new List<string>(); // This list will hold the keys and values as we find them
bool hasFirstValue = false;
foreach (char c in stringInput) // Iterate through each character in the input
if (c != ':') // Keep building the string until we reach a colon
else if (c == ':' && !hasFirstValue)
hasFirstValue = true;
else if (c == ':' && hasFirstValue)
// Below, the StringBuilder currently has something like this:
// " 235235 Some Text Here"
// We trim the leading whitespace, then split at the first sign of a double space
string[] bananaSplit = sb.ToString()
.Split(new string[] { " " },
// Add both results to the list
fish.Add(sb.ToString().Trim()); // Add the last result to the list
for (int i = 0; i < fish.Count; i += 2)
// This for loop assumes that the amount of keys and values added together
// is an even number. If it comes out odd, then one of the lines on the input
// text file wasn't parsed correctly or wasn't generated correctly.
dictInput.Add(fish[i], fish[i + 1]);