import collections
import itertools
def walk_plank(names, N):
"Walk everyone down the plank."
circle = collections.deque(names)
while circle:
yield circle.pop()
def save_last(names, N):
"Save the last person from walking the plank."
for name in walk_plank(names, N):
return name
def safeN(names, name):
"Find the best N to save someone from walking the plank."
assert name in names, 'Name must be in names!'
for N in itertools.count(1):
if save_last(names, N) == name:
return N
编辑:这是在 Windows 中使用 IDLE 时上面代码的一些示例用法。
Python 3.3.0 (v3.3.0:bd8afb90ebf2, Sep 29 2012, 10:55:48) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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>>> import collections, itertools
>>> def walk_plank(names, N):
"Walk everyone down the plank."
circle = collections.deque(names)
while circle:
yield circle.pop()
>>> def save_last(names, N):
"Save the last person from walking the plank."
for name in walk_plank(names, N):
return name
>>> def safeN(names, name):
"Find the best N to save someone from walking the plank."
assert name in names, 'Name must be in names!'
for N in itertools.count(1):
if save_last(names, N) == name:
return N
>>> names = 'Andrew Brenda Craig Deidre Edward Felicity Greg Harriet'.split()
>>> tuple(walk_plank(names, 2))
('Brenda', 'Deidre', 'Felicity', 'Harriet', 'Craig', 'Greg', 'Edward', 'Andrew')
>>> save_last(names, 2)
>>> safeN(names, 'Andrew')
>>> safeN(names, 'Brenda')
>>> save_last(names, 19)
>>> tuple(walk_plank(names, 19))
('Craig', 'Harriet', 'Andrew', 'Felicity', 'Deidre', 'Edward', 'Greg', 'Brenda')