
如果我的 Apache Wicket Web 应用程序(在 GAE/J 上运行)的用户尝试访问不存在的页面,例如:


Web 框架记录以下警告:

org.apache.wicket.core.util.lang.WicketObjects resolveClass: Could not resolve class [[...].admin.PageSubscribeX]
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: [...].admin.PageSubscribeX
    at com.google.appengine.runtime.Request.process-78915baf06af5f31(Request.java)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:133)
    at org.apache.wicket.application.AbstractClassResolver.resolveClass(AbstractClassResolver.java:108)
    at org.apache.wicket.core.util.lang.WicketObjects.resolveClass(WicketObjects.java:71)
    at org.apache.wicket.core.request.mapper.AbstractComponentMapper.getPageClass(AbstractComponentMapper.java:139)
    at org.apache.wicket.core.request.mapper.PackageMapper.parseRequest(PackageMapper.java:148)
    at com.google.tracing.TraceContext$TraceContextRunnable.run(TraceContext.java:458)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679)

GAE/J 以错误 404 page 和 text 响应Error: NOT_FOUND

我知道目前使用 GAE/JI “当没有为 URL 定义 servlet 映射时,无法自定义 404 响应页面”。


当没有为 URL 定义 servlet 映射时,有什么方法可以为响应指定 Wicket 页面?或者,是否可以定义一些 servlet 映射来将“所有未找到的 URL”映射到我选择的 Wicket 页面?


  • 检票口:6.2.0
  • GAE/J:1.7.3
  • 爪哇:1.6.0_37。


根据@biziclop 的评论,我尝试了以下方法,但失败了。我得到的只是我的错误页面 PageError 每次都显示....


ICompoundRequestMapper crmRoot = getRootRequestMapperAsCompound();
URLNotFoundMapper mapperURLNotFound = new URLNotFoundMapper(null,


 * This mapper class is intended to be the mapper of last resort, to be used
 * if all other mappers cannot handle the URL of the current request.
 * <br/>
 * This mapper will cause a defined (error) page to be shown.
public class URLNotFoundMapper extends BookmarkableMapper
  private IRequestMapper m_rmRoot = null;
  private Class<? extends IRequestablePage> m_classPage = null;

   * Constructor.
   * @param rmRoot
   *   The application's previous root request mapper.
   *   If this is <code>null</code> then it is ignored.
   * @param clError
   *   The class of the page which should handle erroneous requests.
   *   This must not be <code>null</code>.
  public URLNotFoundMapper(IRequestMapper rmRoot,
   final Class<? extends IRequestablePage> clError)
    m_rmRoot = rmRoot;
    m_classPage = clError;

   * Use this mapper as the last option.
   * So let all other mappers try to handle the request first.
   * @param request
   *   The request.
   * @return
   *   The score of the application's previous root request mapper.
  public int getCompatibilityScore(Request request)
    return Integer.MIN_VALUE;

   * This method returns an <code>IRequestHandler</code> for the bookmarkable
   * error page.
   * @param request
   * @return
   *   An <code>IRequestHandler</code> capable of processing a bookmarkable
   *   request.
  public IRequestHandler mapRequest(Request request)
    IRequestHandler rhResult = null;
    if (m_rmRoot != null)
      rhResult = m_rmRoot.mapRequest(request);

    if (rhResult != null)
      rhResult = null;    // Another mapper can handle this
      rhResult = processBookmarkable(m_classPage, null);

    return rhResult;

  public Url mapHandler(IRequestHandler requestHandler)
    Url urlResult = null;
    if (m_rmRoot != null)
      urlResult = m_rmRoot.mapHandler(requestHandler);

    if (urlResult != null)
      urlResult = null;    // Another mapper can handle this
      PageInfo info = new PageInfo();
      UrlInfo urlInfo = new UrlInfo(new PageComponentInfo(info, null),
       m_classPage, null);
      urlResult = buildUrl(urlInfo);

    return urlResult;

   * @return
   *   The URL info for the bookmarkable error page.
  protected UrlInfo parseRequest(Request request)
    UrlInfo uiResult = null;
    uiResult = new UrlInfo(null, m_classPage, null);
    return uiResult;

1 回答 1


你需要在你的 webapp 中配置 404 http 错误,看看这里


  <location>/[URI portion to point to a customer error page]</location>
于 2012-11-20T22:43:05.357 回答