I have git repo on an Apache server via web-dav. Recently I realized that I can't commit because Cannot obtain needed blob (as git reports). I used git fsck on the server (where I have root account) and I learned that:

fatal: loose object 169c3a2314c846d858492015a104ff184683b03d (stored in ./objects/16/9c3a2314c846d858492015a104ff184683b03d) is corrupt

Surprisingly, I can do git clone on the server from one directory to another:

git clone /srv/git/repo ./copy

and I don't get any error message, but I can't run 'clone' from a local machine via http. The cloned blob 169c3a2314c846d858492015a104ff184683b03d is identical with the one that is presumably corrupted.

Any ideas for an easy fix?

PS. yes, I've read other posts here, but they mostly relate to a broken local copy. And yes, I made a backup copy of the repo.


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