


Dictionary<string, MyClass> test1 = new Dictionary<string, MyClass>();
Dictionary<string, MyClass> test2 = new Dictionary<string, MyClass>();

MyClass i = new MyClass("", "", 1, 1, 1, 1);
MyClass j = new MyClass("", "", 1, 1, 1, 1);

test1.Add("1", i);
test2.Add("1", j);

bool equal = test1.OrderBy(r => r.Key).SequenceEqual(test2.OrderBy(r => r.Key));

class MyClass
    private string a;
    private string b;
    private long? c;
    private decimal d;
    private decimal e;
    private decimal f;

    public MyClass(string aa, string bb, long? cc, decimal dd, decimal ee, decimal ff)
        a= aa;
        b= bb;
        c= cc;
        d= dd;
        e= ee;
        f= ff;



5 回答 5



bool dictionariesEqual = 
    dic1.Keys.Count == dic2.Keys.Count &&
    dic1.Keys.All(k => dic2.ContainsKey(k) && object.Equals(dic2[k], dic1[k]));
于 2012-11-20T09:50:40.883 回答


var result = (dic1 == dic2) || //Reference comparison (if both points to same object)
             (dic1.Count == dic2.Count && !dic1.Except(dic2).Any());

由于返回 Dictionary 中的项目的顺序是未定义的,因此您不能依赖Dictionary.SequenceEqual (没有OrderBy


Dictionary<string, object> dic1 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Dictionary<string, object> dic2 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic1.Add("Key1", new { Name = "abc", Number = "123", Address = "def", Loc = "xyz" });
dic1.Add("Key2", new { Name = "DEF", Number = "123", Address = "def", Loc = "xyz" });
dic1.Add("Key3", new { Name = "GHI", Number = "123", Address = "def", Loc = "xyz" });
dic1.Add("Key4", new { Name = "JKL", Number = "123", Address = "def", Loc = "xyz" });

dic2.Add("Key1",new { Name = "abc",Number=  "123", Address= "def", Loc="xyz"});
dic2.Add("Key2", new { Name = "DEF", Number = "123", Address = "def", Loc = "xyz" });
dic2.Add("Key3", new { Name = "GHI", Number = "123", Address = "def", Loc = "xyz" });
dic2.Add("Key4", new { Name = "JKL", Number = "123", Address = "def", Loc = "xyz" });

bool result = dic1.SequenceEqual(dic2); //Do not use that

大多数情况下,上述内容会返回true,但由于 的无序性质,不能真正依赖它Dictionary

由于SequenceEqual也会​​比较顺序,所以只靠可能 SequenceEqual错误的。您必须使用OrderBy来订购两个字典,然后使用SequenceEqual如下:

bool result2 = dic1.OrderBy(r=>r.Key).SequenceEqual(dic2.OrderBy(r=>r.Key));



private class MyClass
    private string a;
    private string b;
    private long? c;
    private decimal d;
    private decimal e;
    private decimal f;

    public MyClass(string aa, string bb, long? cc, decimal dd, decimal ee, decimal ff)
        a = aa;
        b = bb;
        c = cc;
        d = dd;
        e = ee;
        f = ff;

    protected bool Equals(MyClass other)
        return string.Equals(a, other.a) && string.Equals(b, other.b) && c == other.c && e == other.e && d == other.d && f == other.f;

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
        if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
        if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false;
        return Equals((MyClass)obj);

    public override int GetHashCode()
            var hashCode = (a != null ? a.GetHashCode() : 0);
            hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (b != null ? b.GetHashCode() : 0);
            hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ c.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ e.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ d.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ f.GetHashCode();
            return hashCode;

您可能还会看到:覆盖 Equals() 和 GetHashCode() 的正确方法

于 2012-11-20T09:45:09.427 回答

仅检查引用相等性的内置Equals功能,请参阅SO 上的这个问题。哈希码不能可靠地告诉您两个对象是否相等;总是有哈希冲突的机会。永远不要使用哈希码作为相等测试!Dictionary<T>


于 2012-11-20T09:54:10.730 回答


首先,我会避免使用 SequenceEquals 方法。它是 Enumerable 的扩展方法,并且隐式要求两个集合的顺序相同。字典并不意味着是有序集合,因此使用 SequenceEquals 意味着您必须不必要地遍历两个字典以创建您也不需要的排序/有序中间集合,然后遍历这些集合以比较它们是否相等. 这似乎真的效率低下并且滥用 LINQ,所有这些都是以试图简洁并编写单行解决方案的名义。如果 OP 的“优雅”概念很简洁,我想这会奏效,但似乎很浪费。

另一方面,如果 OP 的“优雅”理念是有效的,那么您可能需要编写更多代码。首先,您应该为您的类重写 Equals 方法或在您的类中实现 IEquatable(例如,请参见此处)。这将允许您比较字典中的值。然后,您可能想要为您的字典实现类似 IEqualityComparer 之类的接口。



public class Foo
    //members here...
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        //implementation here
    //You should probably also override GetHashCode to be thorough,
    //but that's an implementation detail...

//This method could stand on its own or you could change it to make it 
//part of the implementation of one of the comparison interfaces...
bool DictionariesEqual(Dictionary<K, V> x, Dictionary<K, V> y)
    //If we're comparing the same object, it's obviously equal to itself.
    if(x == y)
        return true;
    //Make sure that we don't have null objects because those are
    //definitely not equal.
    if (x == null || y == null)
        return false;
    //Stop processing if at any point the dictionaries aren't equal.
    bool result = false;

    //Make sure that the dictionaries have the same count.
    result = x.Count == y.Count;
    //If we passed that check, keep going.
        foreach(KeyValuePair<K, V> xKvp in x)
            //If we don't have a key from one in the other, even though
            //the counts are the same, the dictionaries aren't equal so
            //we can fail out.
            V yValue;
            if(!y.TryGetValue(xKvp.Key, out yValue))
                result = false;
                //Use the override of the Equals method for your object
                //to see if the value from y is equal to the value from
                result = xKvp.Value.Equals(yValue);
                    //If they're not equal we can just quit out.
    return result;


Dictionary<string, Foo> dict1 = new Dictionary<string, Foo>();
Dictionary<string, Foo> dict2 = new Dictionary<string, Foo>();
//Fill the dictionaries here...

//Compare the dictionaries
bool areDictsEqual = DictionariesEqual(dict1, dict2);


编辑:一位评论者建议更新代码示例以使其通用。我最初只是脱离了原始海报的示例,但是将这个通用化似乎是一个好主意,但有一个警告:注意密钥的类型是什么。如果它是 C# 包含相等实现的字符串或 int 之类的简单类型,那么一切都应该很好。如果键是自定义类型,您需要确保覆盖Equals()GetHashCode()为您的自定义类型。

于 2015-08-25T21:11:19.950 回答

在这种情况下,您可以只使用 SequenceEquals() 方法,如下所示:

   Dictionary<string, object> d1 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
   d1.Add("first", new { Name = "TestName", Age = 12, ID = 001 }); 

   Dictionary<string, object> d2 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
   d2.Add("first", new { Name = "TestName", Age = 12, ID = 001 });

   Console.WriteLine(d1.SequenceEqual(d2)); //outputs True                


   Console.WriteLine(d1.GetHashCode() + " " + d2.GetHashCode()); //outputs different hashcodes
于 2012-11-20T09:53:29.243 回答