Development Tool: Pentaho 4.5 enterprise edition

I have one issue regarding roles and permission.

I have one dashboard(enterprise one), i have added three prompts say p1, p2 and p3. Data in p1 and p3 is coming directly from DB (i.e. they are not dependent on any other parameter) whereas p2 have dependency in p1. In short we are trying to achieve cascading thing in our prompt section.

  1. firstly i signed in as joe having roles(Admin, Authenticated and ceo). I can do cascading easily.

  2. Then i signed in as suzy (Authenticated and cto). I can see data in p1 and p3. However I am not able to see anything on p2.

As i am able to do cascading thing as joe (in short any user with Role Admin) not as suzy..

So suggest me any possible solution.. coz as per our requirement there will be some user those will have only Authenticated / cto role.. so the cascading should work for all user, not just for user with role Admin.


1 回答 1


尝试验证 p2 中每个内容的共享选项或权限。您能在 p2 中找到并查看原始报告(内容)吗?您可以在以 joe 身份登录时找到它。

于 2012-11-29T07:55:58.787 回答