
我在 Solr4.0 中尝试CJKTokenizer。它正在进行标记化,但准确性非常低。


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POSTECH/K是一款韩国形态分析仪,能够毫不费力地对韩国数据进行标记和 POS 标记。该软件在其训练和测试的语料库上报告了 90.7%(参见http://nlp.postech.ac.kr/download/postag_k/9908_cljournal_gblee.pdf)。

POS 标记在我一直从事的多语言语料库项目的韩语数据上达到了 81% 。

但是,有一个问题,您必须使用 Windows 来运行该软件。但我有一个脚本可以绕过这个限制,这是脚本:

#!/bin/bash -x
## Sejong-Shell is a script to call POSTAG/SEJONG tagger on Unix Machine
## because POSTAG/Sejong is only usable in Korean Microsoft Windows environment
## the original POSTAG/Sejong can be downloaded from
## http://isoft.postech.ac.kr/Course/CS730b/2005/index.html
## Sejong-Shell is dependent on WINdows Emulator.
## The WINE program can be downloaded from
## http://www.winehq.org/download/
## The shell scripts accepts the input files from one directory and
## outputs the tagged files into another while retaining the filename

cd <source-file_dir>
#<source_-ile_dir> is the directory that saves the textfiles that needs tagging
for file in `dir -d *`
    echo $file
    sudo cp <source-file_dir>/"$file" <POSTAG-Sejong_dir>/input.txt
    # <POSTAG-Sejong_dir> refers to the directory where the pos-tagger is saved
    wine start /Unix "$HOME/postagsejong/sjTaggerInteg.exe"
    sleep 30
    # This is necessary so that the file from the current loop won't be
    # overlapping with the next, do increase the time for sleep if the file
    # is large and needs more than 30 sec for POSTAG/Sejong to tag.
    sudo cp <POSTAG-Sejong_dir>/output.txt <target-file_dir>/"$file"
    # <target-file_dir> is where you want the output files to be stored

# Instead of the sleep command to prevent the overlap:
#   $sleep 30
# Alternatively, you can manually continue a loop with the following 
# command that continues a loop after a keystroke input:
#   $read -p "Press any key to continue…"

请注意,POSTECH/K 的编码是euc-kr,所以如果是utf8. 您可以使用以下脚本将 utf8 转换为 euc-kr。

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

pre-sejong clean

import codecs
import nltk
import os, sys, re, glob
from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer


cwd = './gizaclean_ko' #os.getcwd()
wrd = './presejong_ko'

kr_sent_tokenizer = nltk.RegexpTokenizer(u'[^!?.?!]*[!?."www.*"]')

for infile in glob.glob(os.path.join(cwd, '*.txt')):
#   if infile == './extract_ko/singapore-sling.txt': continue
#   if infile == './extract_ko/ion-orchard.txt': continue
        print infile
        (PATH, FILENAME) = os.path.split(infile)
        reader = open(infile)
        writer = open(os.path.join(wrd, FILENAME).encode('euc-kr'),'w')
        for line in reader:
                para = []urlread = lambda url: urllib.urlopen(url).read()
                para.append (kr_sent_tokenizer.tokenize(unicode(line,'utf-8').strip()))
                for sent in para[0]:
            newsent = sent.replace(u'\xa0', ' '.encode('utf-8'))
            newsent2 = newsent.replace(u'\xe7', 'c'.encode('utf-8'))
            newsent3 = newsent2.replace(u'\xe9', 'e'.encode('utf-8'))
            newsent4 = newsent3.replace(u'\u2013', '-')
            newsent5 = newsent4.replace(u'\xa9', '(c)')
            newsent6 = newsent5.encode('euc-kr').strip()
            print newsent6

sejong-shell 的来源:Liling Tan。2011。为南洋理工大学建立基础文本 - 多语言语料库 (NTU-MC)。最后一年的项目。新加坡:南洋理工大学。第 44 页。)

于 2013-01-20T00:51:56.203 回答