我必须编写 2 个函数。将日期作为字符串接收并检查其是否为 mm/dd/yy 格式的方法;如果其格式不正确,则应对其进行编辑以使其正确。另一个函数应将验证日期转换为格式“月 dd,20yy”。
bool dateValidation(string shipDate)
string temp;
if(shipDate.length() == 8 )
if(shipDate[2] == '/' && shipDate[5] =='/')
int tempDay, tempMonth, tempYear;
//Gather month
temp = shipDate[0];
temp += shipDate[1];
//convert string to int
tempMonth = temp.atoi;
temp = "";
//Gather day
temp = shipDate[3];
temp += shipDate[4];
//convert string to int
tempDay = temp.atoi;
temp = "";
//Gather year
temp = shipDate[6];
temp += shipDate[7];
//convert string to int
tempYear = temp.atoi;
temp = "";
if(tempMonth > 0 && tempMonth <= 12)
if(tempMonth == 9 ||
tempMonth == 4 ||
tempMonth == 6 ||
tempMonth == 11 ||)
if(tempDay > 0 && tempDay <= 30)
if 30 days
else if(tempMonth == 2)
if(tempDay > 0 && tempDay <= 28)
if 28 days
if(tempDay > 0 && tempDay <= 31)
if 31 days