我正在编写一个脚本来检查一堆 Excel 电子表格中的某些值,我最终得到的代码如下所示:

    public bool checkContents(Excel._Worksheet sht, string address, string cellValue)
        Excel.Range tempRange = sht.get_Range(address);
        return Convert.ToString(tempRange.Value) == cellValue;

    public string getVersion(Excel._Worksheet sht)
        if (checkContents(sht,"a4","Changes for Version 24"))
            return "24";
        else if (checkContents(sht,"a1","Changes for Version 23 (Official)"))
            return "23";
        else if (checkContents(sht,"a2","Changes for Version 22"))
            return "22";

       //and so on for another 10 if-else blocks 




6 回答 6



    private class VersionSpec
        public string Address { get; private set; }
        public string CellValue { get; private set; }
        public string Version { get; private set; }

        public VersionSpec (string address, string cellValue, string version)
            Address = address;
            CellValue = cellValue;
            Version = version;

    public string getVersion(Excel._Worksheet sht)
        VersionSpec[] versionSpecs = new []
            new VersionSpec("a4", "Changes for Version 24", "24"),
            new VersionSpec("a1", "Changes for Version 23 (Official)", "23"),
            new VersionSpec("a2", "Changes for Version 22", "22"),
            // other versions...

        foreach(VersionSpec versionSpec in versionSpecs)
            if(checkContents(sht, versionSpec.Address, versionSpec.CellValue))
                return versionSpec.Version;
于 2012-11-20T00:00:22.313 回答


public class Version
    public string CellAddress { get; set; }
    public string CellValue { get; set; }
    public string ReturnValue { get; set; }

Then load up a List<Version> with your various versions. Afterwards you can use a foreach loop on the list and react when you get a hit with one of them.

于 2012-11-20T00:01:03.077 回答

使用 .Net 4.0 Excel Interop,您不需要使用下划线 _Types,而是使用方括号。

public bool checkContentsStartsWith(Worksheet sht, string address, string cellValue)
   Range tempRange = sht.Range[address];
  return cellValue.StartsWith(tempRange.Value2);

public string getVersion(Worksheet sht)
    for (int j = 1; j < 4;j++)
        for (int i = 24; i > 0; i--)
            if (checkContentsStartsWith(sht, "A" + j.ToString(), "Changes for Version " + i))
                return i;
于 2012-11-19T23:57:13.763 回答

If the rest of your if-blocks are the same structure as the sample posted, there's a clear pattern here; couldn't you check a larger range (e.g; "a1:a4") for the existence of the string "Changes for Version", return that string, and parse out the integer you want to return. You should be able to knock that down to 2-3 LOC if you adjust your thinking a little?

Some code to elucidate;

    public static string getVersion(Worksheet sht)
        Range range = sht.Range["A1:A10"];
        foreach (Range c in range.Cells)
            if (null == c.Value2) continue;
            string val = c.Value.ToString();
            if (val.Contains("Changes for Version "))
                int startIndex = ("Changes for Version ").Length;
                return val.Substring(startIndex, 2).Trim(); 

        return null;
于 2012-11-20T00:05:41.650 回答

I have another answer:

using (var usedRange = sheet.UsedRange.WithComCleanup())
    string firstAddress = string.Empty;
    string nextAddress = string.Empty;
    using (var firstCell = usedRange.Resource.Find("Changes for Version", LookIn: XlFindLookIn.xlValues).WithComCleanup())
        if (firstCell.Resource != null)
            firstAddress = firstCell.Resource.Address;
            AppendListOfVersion(sheet.Name, firstCell.Resource);
            nextAddress = firstAddress;
if (firstAddress != "") // the first Find attempt was successful, so keep looking (FindNext)
    var keepLooking = true;
    while (keepLooking)
        using (var prevCellToFindNextFrom = sheet.Range[nextAddress].WithComCleanup())
        using (var nextCell = usedRange.Resource.FindNext(prevCellToFindNextFrom.Resource).WithComCleanup())
            if (nextCell.Resource == null)
                keepLooking = false;
                nextAddress = nextCell.Resource.Address;
                if (nextAddress == firstAddress)
                    keepLooking = false;
                    AppendListOfVersion(sheet.Name, nextCell.Resource);

You can learn about the WithComCleanUp() here: http://jake.ginnivan.net/vsto-com-interop

于 2012-11-20T00:13:11.913 回答

Here's a couple of options:

    public string getVersion(Excel._Worksheet sht)
        if (checkContents(sht, "a4", "Changes for Version 24"))
            return "24";
        if (checkContents(sht, "a1", "Changes for Version 23 (Official)"))
            return "23";
        if (checkContents(sht, "a2", "Changes for Version 22"))
            return "22";
        //and so on for another 10 if-else blocks 

    public string getVersion(Excel._Worksheet sht)
        string[][] values = new string[3][]{
                            new string[3]{"a4","Changes for Version 24","24"}
                            ,new string[3]{"a1", "Changes for Version 23 (Official)","23"}
                            ,new string[3]{"a2", "Changes for Version 22","22"}
        foreach (string[] strings in values)
            if (checkContents(sht, strings[0], strings[1])) return strings[2];
        return null; //or throw not found error 
于 2012-11-20T00:21:35.747 回答