
  {super-row-key1 [{ts1 {version-ts1 value, version-ts2 value}}
                   {ts2 {version-ts1 value}}]
   super-row-key2 ...}


 [{1291180500000 {1351709255098 -0.008084167000000001}}
  {1291184100000 {1351709255098 -0.004395833}}
  {1291185000000 {1351709255098 -0.003075}}]

所以我想弄清楚 ClojureWerks Cassandra Cascading tap 是否已经支持所有行的操作。如您所见,超级行键、超级行和超级列都已生成(uuid、日期、时间戳等)。在我看到的示例和代码中,我被引导相信需要预先指定标识列名、列字段名、键列名和字段映射的固定名称。

在 Cassandra 支持 MapReduce 的 Hadoop 级别上,Cassandra 似乎确实支持从给定的列族中获取所有数据行。从文档中:

“Cassandra 行或行片段(即键对 + 列的 SortedMap)被输入到 Map 任务以供您的作业处理,由描述从每行获取哪些列的 SlicePredicate 指定。”




1 回答 1


我假设罗伯特指的是:https ://github.com/ifesdjeen/cascading-cassandra

我试图让 pingles/cascading.cassandra 与 Cascalog 一起工作,但没有成功,所有依赖项,因此必须更改所有接口。所以我决定写我自己的东西(并不总是最好的主意)。



首先,我不打算在水龙头中加入宽行支持,但事实证明它即使在当前版本中也能正常工作。不幸的是,我还不能推送示例,因为 Cassaforte(https://github.com/clojurewerkz/cassaforte,我们使用的 cassandra 驱动程序依赖于 Clojure 1.4,因为存在原始类型提示的错误:http://dev .clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-852如果我没记错的话,而且 Midje 设置了硬版本,所以它不支持 1.4,所以我不得不使用我们自己的驱动程序的过时版本)。

不包括宽行的原因是 cassandra 团队自己不鼓励使用它们,而是建议使用复合列,因为它们可以以更好的方式读取,并且不需要获取整个超列来获取部分数据。我意识到这并不总是那么容易,特别是如果有一个很久以前编写的应用程序。



In order to fetch all the columns, you have to use SlicePredicate, and specify empty byte buffers and slice start and slice finish of SliceRange you pass into it. So you can set SliceRange (.setSlice_range) instead of (.setColumn_names), and it will be entirely same thing, you can make that change in CasssandraScheme.java https://github.com/ifesdjeen/cascading-cassandra/blob/master/src/main/java/com/clojurewerkz/cascading/cassandra/CassandraScheme.java#L247 if you decide to stick to our tap. What I'd do, is when there're no column names specified, we just fetch all of them.

Another change that's going to be required is deserialization of values. Probably here you have a better feeling about how to deal with wide rows. In essence, you get a response like:

Key / {java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=65 lim=70cap=93]=org.apache.cassandra.db.Column@478bb374}

So format would be pretty much the same. Here, you only have to deserialize key and convert column into the tuple. If amount of key-value pairs within a column varies, you'll have to fill it up (probably) with nulls, otherwise it could be hard to understand/debug.

Once again, if you decide to go with out tap, you'd have to upgrade to Cassaforte beta10 snapshot, (at least for initial tests) remove midje from project.clj and comment out everything related to it.

If you like, you can use cassaforte code to populate a smaller dataset (i usually go with a couple of records): https://github.com/clojurewerkz/cassaforte/blob/master/test/clojurewerkz/cassaforte/thrift/core_test.clj#L26

于 2012-11-20T07:32:26.600 回答