使用itertools.groupby构建一个列表的字典(应该O(n log n
import random
import collections
import itertools
iTuple = collections.namedtuple('Person', ['town', 'age'])
# make up data
def random_person():
age = random.randrange(19,49)
town = random.choice("Edinburgh Glasgow Aberdeen".split())
return iTuple(town, age)
n_f, n_m = 15, 20
females = [random_person() for x in xrange(n_f)]
males = [random_person() for x in xrange(n_m)]
# group by criterion of interest: age, town
by_age, by_town = lambda x: x.age, lambda x: x.town
males_by_age = dict((age, list(group)) for age, group in itertools.groupby(
sorted(males, key=by_age), key=by_age))
males_by_town = dict((age, list(group)) for age, group in itertools.groupby(
sorted(males, key=by_town), key=by_town))
# assign random matches according to grouping variable (if available)
print "matches by age:"
for person in females:
candidates = males_by_age.get(person.age)
if candidates:
print person, random.choice(candidates)
print person, "no match found"
print "matches by town:"
for person in females:
candidates = males_by_town.get(person.town)
if candidates:
print person, random.choice(candidates)
print person, "no match found"
matches by age:
Person(town='Aberdeen', age=23) no match found
Person(town='Edinburgh', age=41) no match found
Person(town='Glasgow', age=33) no match found
Person(town='Aberdeen', age=38) Person(town='Edinburgh', age=38)
Person(town='Edinburgh', age=21) no match found
Person(town='Glasgow', age=44) Person(town='Glasgow', age=44)
Person(town='Edinburgh', age=41) no match found
Person(town='Aberdeen', age=32) no match found
Person(town='Aberdeen', age=25) Person(town='Edinburgh', age=25)
Person(town='Edinburgh', age=46) no match found
Person(town='Glasgow', age=19) no match found
Person(town='Glasgow', age=47) Person(town='Glasgow', age=47)
Person(town='Glasgow', age=25) Person(town='Glasgow', age=25)
Person(town='Edinburgh', age=19) no match found
Person(town='Glasgow', age=32) no match found
matches by town:
Person(town='Aberdeen', age=23) Person(town='Aberdeen', age=45)
Person(town='Edinburgh', age=41) Person(town='Edinburgh', age=27)
Person(town='Glasgow', age=33) Person(town='Glasgow', age=44)
Person(town='Aberdeen', age=38) Person(town='Aberdeen', age=45)
Person(town='Edinburgh', age=21) Person(town='Edinburgh', age=20)
Person(town='Glasgow', age=44) Person(town='Glasgow', age=24)
Person(town='Edinburgh', age=41) Person(town='Edinburgh', age=38)
Person(town='Aberdeen', age=32) Person(town='Aberdeen', age=34)
Person(town='Aberdeen', age=25) Person(town='Aberdeen', age=40)
Person(town='Edinburgh', age=46) Person(town='Edinburgh', age=38)
Person(town='Glasgow', age=19) Person(town='Glasgow', age=34)
Person(town='Glasgow', age=47) Person(town='Glasgow', age=42)
Person(town='Glasgow', age=25) Person(town='Glasgow', age=34)
Person(town='Edinburgh', age=19) Person(town='Edinburgh', age=27)
Person(town='Glasgow', age=32) Person(town='Glasgow', age=34)