是否可以对域类(而不是域实例)应用 ACL 权限?我有一个场景,我想为一类用户提供对域对象完全 CRUD 的全面权限,而另一类用户必须具有特定的 ACL 条目才能执行此操作。

当然可以将 ACL 条目与基于角色的权限混合来实现这一点,但我觉得除了实例级别之外,Spring ACL 可以在类级别上工作,这是一种更优雅的解决方案。

我正在查看微薄的Spring Security ACL 文档这个问题


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 * Obtains the actual identifier. This identifier must not be reused to represent other domain objects with
 * the same javaType.
 * Because ACLs are largely immutable, it is strongly recommended to use
 * a synthetic identifier (such as a database sequence number for the primary key). Do not use an identifier with
 * business meaning, as that business meaning may change in the future such change will cascade to the ACL
 * subsystem data.
 * @return the identifier (unique within this type; never null)
Serializable getIdentifier();

 * Obtains the "type" metadata for the domain object. This will often be a Java type name (an interface or a class)
 * – traditionally it is the name of the domain object implementation class.
 * @return the "type" of the domain object (never null).
String getType();

如您所见,Spring Security 用于Serializable描述标识符的类型。因此可以使用带有类名的字符串。

您需要更新 SQL 模式,因为 Spring Security 的作者假设大多数人会通过长/整数 id 来识别对象。

create table acl_object_identity(
object_id_class bigint not null,
object_id_identity bigint not null,



于 2012-11-19T16:00:18.843 回答