我们已经使用 Scrum 几个月了,并希望利用这些报告。我们正在查看 Release Burndown 报告。它给出了 sprint 的列表。sprint 列表有 2 个问题。第一个 sprint 由于某种原因被列出了两次,它只显示 sprint 1 -8 sprint 9 和 10 没有显示。



1 回答 1


The report uses the data that is present in the olap cube. It is very likely that

  1. There are two different iterations that have the same name, but internally they have different ID's. Could that be the case?
  2. The 2 sprints that are missing probably have no work items assigned yet. The filter only shows sprints that are in the cube.
于 2012-11-19T17:15:58.677 回答