CREATE TABLE #Aggregate(
StoreKey int ,
NumberOfDaysBack int ,
ThisYearGrossTransactions int ,
ThisYearGrossPrice money ,
LastYearGrossTransactions int ,
LastYearGrossPrice money
INSERT #Aggregate VALUES (10134, 7, 198, 71324.3600, 248, 95889.6089)
INSERT #Aggregate VALUES (10131, 7, 9, 1299.8300, 3, 662.5700)
INSERT #Aggregate VALUES (10132, 7, 57, 11029.5300, 56, 6848.3800)
INSERT #Aggregate VALUES (10130, 7, 6, 429.3100, 15, 1606.1100)
INSERT #Aggregate VALUES (10134, 28, 815, 339315.9265, 822, 342834.2365)
INSERT #Aggregate VALUES (10131, 28, 29, 5725.4900, 8, 1938.4100)
INSERT #Aggregate VALUES (10132, 28, 262, 42892.5476, 269, 37229.2600)
INSERT #Aggregate VALUES (10130, 28, 62, 6427.7072, 93, 13428.0000)
然后我想为每组 NumberOfDaysBack 显示单独的数据集,如下所示:
StoreKey ThisYearLast7GrossTransactions ThisYearLast7GrossPrice LastYearLast7GrossTransactions LastYearLast7GrossPrice ThisYearLast28GrossTransactions ThisYearLast28GrossPrice LastYearLast28GrossTransactions LastYearLast28GrossPrice
----------- ------------------------------ ----------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------------- ------------------------
10130 6 429.31 15 1606.11 62 6427.7072 93 13428.00
10131 9 1299.83 3 662.57 29 5725.49 8 1938.41
10132 57 11029.53 56 6848.38 262 42892.5476 269 37229.26
10134 198 71324.36 248 95889.6089 815 339315.9265 822 342834.2365
-- (using this Common Table expression as a shortcut, there's actually a dimention table
;with Store as (select distinct StoreKey from #Aggregate)
,ThisYearLast7GrossTransactions = DaysBack7.ThisYearGrossTransactions
,ThisYearLast7GrossPrice = DaysBack7.ThisYearGrossPrice
,LastYearLast7GrossTransactions = DaysBack7.LastYearGrossTransactions
,LastYearLast7GrossPrice = DaysBack7.LastYearGrossPrice
,ThisYearLast28GrossTransactions = DaysBack28.ThisYearGrossTransactions
,ThisYearLast28GrossPrice = DaysBack28.ThisYearGrossPrice
,LastYearLast28GrossTransactions = DaysBack28.LastYearGrossTransactions
,LastYearLast28GrossPrice = DaysBack28.LastYearGrossPrice
from Store
join #Aggregate DaysBack7
on Store .StoreKey = DaysBack7.StoreKey
and DaysBack7 .NumberOfDaysBack = 7
join #Aggregate DaysBack28
on Store .StoreKey = DaysBack28.StoreKey
and DaysBack28 .NumberOfDaysBack = 28
order by Store.StoreKey
但是,由于我的实际数据集要复杂得多,有更多 NumberOfDaysBack 和更多可能更改的指标,我希望能够使用数据透视语句来执行此操作,而无需显式命名每个字段。