private String wordNormalize(String enteredWord,String dictionary){
String normalizedWord = null;
// remove empty spaces at beginning and at the end of the word and change to lower case
normalizedWord = enteredWord.trim().toLowerCase();
//normalize term, removing all punctuation marks
normalizedWord = normalizedWord.replaceAll("["+punctuationMarks2+"]", "[b,v]");
//normalize word removing to character if dictionary has english lang
normalizedWord = normalizedWord.replaceFirst("to ", " ");
//normalizeWord if dictionary has german
if(normalizedWord.length() > 0){
/*for(int i = 0;i<normalizedWord.length();i++){
char currentChar = normalizedWord.charAt(i); // currently typed character
String s1= Character.toString(currentChar);
for(int j = 0;j<specialCharacters.length;j++){
s1.replaceAll("[ "+specialCharacters[i]+" ]",""+replaceCharactersDe[i]+"");
= str.replace("a,b,c","t,u,v");
//normalize term removing special characters and replacing them
/*for(int i = 0; i > specialCharacters.length;i++){
normalizedWord = replaceCharactersDe[i];
return normalizedWord;
因此,如果用户输入 a 将其替换为 t 并且如果用户输入 b 将其替换为 u 并且如果用户输入 c 它将被替换为 v 并且只有按照该顺序才有可能,并且如果它向我展示了它的正确方式应该做的